Is the teaching of religion really a form of child abuse?

by Snoozy 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Snoozy

    What do you think? Is the teaching of religion a form of child abuse? Don't be so quick to answer, read this first. It is pretty convincing against it doing so.

    If someone can make it a clickable link I would appreciate it.


    ps..Did anyone here read "The God Delusion"?

  • designs

    Many religions teach that the world is divided between the believer and the unbeliever- insert named religion _______________

    A few have risen above that. When you define the human condition as Sinful you immediately limit your options.

    As children ourselves we were force fed the Society's teachings and it had a strong effect on us that we are now unwinding. Think of the Religions that have even worse teachings and look at the effect it has on the lives of the children who then they become adults and perpetuate those same beliefs.

    Education is a way to break the cycle. Sharing information, actively helping in appropriate situations.


  • wobble

    I believe that indoctrination in any form, religious or political is not good, but to a certain extent it is unavoidable.

    At least initially, children take on the beliefs and prejudices of their parents, peers and society.

    I think it would be good to get over the idea that we should not think of our children as "Catholic" , "Muslim", "Republican" or "Democrat" children, but just as children, who need to be presented, even confronted, with all points of view, and then left to choose their way without coercion.

  • cyberjesus

    indoctination of a way of thinking is abuse.

  • cofty

    Click here for survey

    I think what the numbers in the survey shows is that indoctrinating children to believe they are being watched by a sky daddy and perhaps will burn in hell if they misbehave has a surprisingly marginal effect on their behaviour.

    I do believe that indoctrination of children is abuse.

  • Snoozy

    cofty, thanks for making the link clickable!

    I was also under the impression that the chart showed that the kids that had religious training didin't engage in criminal behavior as much as those that didn't have it.


  • nugget

    Teaching religion is too ambiguous after all there are many religions. Some are more benign than others. Some religions emphasise community responsibility others do not. In addition JWs teach that their door to door work is a voluntary work that benefits the community whereas it is a means of control and has no tangible benefits. So unless there is an understanding of what people mean and how they understand the questions the results can be misleading. Also what were the demographics of the people surveyed as income and location and other factors can also affect behaviour.

    I would hope that any responsible parent would encourage their child to think of others and to have a moral compass. Religious teaching is not the only means of gaining good behaviour

    Statistics with no explanation do not prove the argument only start the debate.

  • designs

    Crofty- The survey leaves many gaps. Teens wanting to experiment with sex and drugs seems about equal whether religious or not its just a part of being curious at that age. I remember Calvary chapel did a survey back in the late 60s, very rigged in terms of how the questions were phrased and limited in scope to favor their doctrines.

    Voltaire was drawn to make bold statements about Christianity in his day and it wasn't favorable. Here in the US the arrival of Christians saw the subjugation of the indigenous peoples from one coast to the other. Their lands were taken, Treaties continually broken, they were killed, intentionally infected with diseases, forced to abandon their native languages and names, court claims have gone decades without being settled. All of this by Christians. So where was this data in this guys survey.

    Rigged surveys mean little.

  • Heaven

    For me, I will answer with it depends on what is being taught and how a child's parents handle the inaccuracies, inconsistencies, untruths, and any abusiveness of the religion they belong to. The unfortunate part about male dominated, monotheistic religions is that they are founded in unbalanced belief(s) and therefore, it is not surprising that abuse is a part of these religions.

    So far in my studying of Wiccan beliefs, I have yet to come upon anything that is abusive. They are actually quite against it so much so that you are free to decide what your definition is of your God(s) and Goddess(es). You pick and you decide. It is very personal. And if anything feels uncomfortable you are not forced to believe or partake. I am quite enjoying my reading and studying of the Craft.

  • PSacramento

    Snoozy, have you read the "irrational atheist" by Vox Day?

    He addresses that issue and many other by Dawkins, Hitchens and a few others.

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