Do you believe that Armstrong was really on the moon?

by Newborn 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    We had a discussion at lunch today. Some are sure he wasn't and some sure that he was.

    I want to believe that he was there.

    Just interesting to hear what you think?


  • Ding


  • designs

    Make the fruit a little lower hanging for the doubters- ask them if manned spacecraft have been able to orbit the earth beyond the atomsphere, or maybe if Satellites orbit the earth. With some you have to start small.

  • Mary

    No. I believe Armstrong really landed on Plaiedes where he met Jehover and Yoda.

  • ThomasCovenant

    No. Definitely not. Do you think I'm stupid.

    I believe that it was a very well put together hoax for the purposes of getting one up on the ruskies and chinks and not losing face to the rest of the world.

    I realize that it was very very difficult to pull off but so successful was it, that Nasa decided to pull the wool over everyone's eyes once again four month later when they pretended that Pete Conrad and Alan Bean (Apollo 12) also landed on the moon.

    Just over a year later (Apollo 14) Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell also didn't land on the moon.

    The level of secrecy involved in perpetuating the hoax was so good that as a matter of pride Nasa decided once more to not send David Scott and James Irwin (Apollo 15) to the moon just six months later.

    Nine months on and flushed with the success of not getting caught out, once more Nasa didn't send John Young and Charles Duke (Apollo 16) to walk on the moon.

    Just for the hell of it and as a big 'up yours' to the world they finally decided that Eugene Cernan and Harrison Scmitt (Apollo 17) would be the last people to not walk on the moon.

    After three and a half years of these stage setups and pretend 'moonwalks' they, Nasa, finally realized that it would become more and more difficult to keep a tight lid on the level of deceit involved especially after word leaked out that Hollywood were going to make that damn film Capricorn One.

    How any sane person can believe otherwise beats me.

  • bohm

    There is absolutely no evidence that support man did not land on the moon. It is a flat-earth stupid statement to deny man landed on the moon.

    But yah, ask them the questions designs brought up.

  • bohm

    TC: Let me guess, there is no evidence to back that up aside your speculations?

    How would you answer designs questions, btw?

  • Newborn

    I guess it's like asking do you believe in a god or not? Some are so certain he does exist and some are so ceratain he doesn't.

    But I wonder why they never been up to the moon again since the 60s? or have they?

  • SacrificialLoon

    Well I'm pretty sure that Lance Armstrong hasn't been to the moon, but Neil Armstrong was.

  • Caedes

    It might also be worth asking what the Russians had to gain by keeping America's moon landing deception going?

    On the other it might be more prudent to ask if they have taken todays medication.

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