Do you believe that Armstrong was really on the moon?

by Newborn 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    TC: Let me guess, there is no evidence to back that up aside your speculations? How would you answer designs questions, btw?

    Sarcasm, Bohm ;)

    Yes, I believe we've been to the moon. I like Designs and Caedes 'question to ask' on this.


  • leavingwt

    What bohm said.

    There is absolutely no evidence that support man did not land on the moon. It is a flat-earth stupid statement to deny man landed on the moon.
  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Watch the Youtube clip where a doubter confronts Buzz Aldrin calling him a "liar".....only to get punched in the face by the old fella!! Funny.

  • bohm

    tec: whoops, i will try to blame the language barriere on this one and hope people are asleep

  • JeffT

    It might also be worth asking what the Russians had to gain by keeping America's moon landing deception going?

    If those TV signals had not been originating on the moon (and it would be VERY easy to verify that) you can bet the ranch that the Russians would have been all over it.

  • PSacramento

    Is there any reason to think he didn't or they they couldn't have ??

    I am sure if there was even the slightest chance, like JeffT said, the USSR would be all over it like a tights on a wrestler !

  • BurnTheShips
    I am sure if there was even the slightest chance, like JeffT said, the USSR would be all over it like a tights on a wrestler !

    The USSR was in on the conspiracy.


  • RubaDub


    I heard through a good source that the moon scenes were filmed near Roswell, New Mexico.

    Rub a Dub

  • baltar447

    Yes of course. Was he the first?

  • Gregor

    Herbert W. for sure.

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