The Bible is the most complex book in the world to study . There is no person in the world that got all things right from the Bible the first time around . First time around ? Hundreds times around ! Just listen to the news about car makers how they produce faulty cars after so many years of experience ?! With learning from the Bible it may be even worse !
You should learn also how any organization function to stay alive . Jehovah's Witnesses must be very well organized on strict discipline as they have many enemies around who are interested in their downfall .
Just read the story about the Soviet Russia how it stayed afloat having enemies all around.
Any public dissent,known to authorities - could have meant execution or sending to a labor camp usually .How many people Stalin killed ?!
The Watchtower did not kill you . If you don't want to be with them you can be like me . I am an independent christian all the way now and don't belonging to the Jehovahs Witness organization but I am not opposing themas I see them as the best christian organization decisively.