7.508.050 peak.
Now, I wonder how many of these are genuine reports put in the box by people that are sincerely interested in the truth, and in advancing it. As for the pio-sneers, I wonder how many are actually doing it because they want to do all they can to spread the cancer throughout the world and sincerely believe they are doing God's work.
On the other hand, I wonder how many of these are doing it because they have been programmed to not be successful outside the cancer. These include people that work for witlesses and will lose their livelihoods (and can't get another job because of the religion) if they quit turning in these slips. It also includes children that are forced to turn in field circus slips, including those in their 20s, 30s, and beyond living with their parents because the religion prevented them from getting enough money to make it on their own. And those outright fake time slips--I wonder how many of those slips represent fake times turned in to avoid getting hounded or cut off from their families.