Per this Australian Talk, found here: I’d say we have now seen the future…….
Ah yes........The Governing Body is now starting to show their hand, to begin to show their future plans for this false-religion-cult of fear and oppression.
It has been said on here for the last few years now, that with the elimination/combination of the Book Study at the Kingdom Halls instead of at homes, the introduction of new rule books (Keep Yourself in God's Love) and the new Elder Manual that a "tightening of the reigns" was beginning.
And so, just as the members of JWD and the internet have written, so it shall be done by the Governing Body OverLords. Anyone not out actively preaching in the field ministry is now officially out of the congregation, INACTIVE. This also goes along quite nicely with the assembly talks, etc that we've been hearing about this past summer condemning active ones from associating with inactive ones. Basically, if you are not going door-to-door in the field ministry, you are disassociating yourself and will be considered bad association, and subject to shunning. Welcome to the religion of JW's in the 21st century!! Can you just feel the loooooooove, Brother Poor and Sister Depressed?
While they are at it, they are actively selling off oodles of their NYC real estate at a huge prophet....errr.....PROFIT, so that they can move all operations up to Canada and upper New York state, out in the wilderness somewhere, basically going to create their own little "Jonestown" if you will. I can see it Brooklyn Bethel, except 1,000 times worse and even more isolated. The dinner bells (Povlov's dogs, anyone?) will ring over the loudspeakers, Big Brother Governing Body OverLord will appear on a nearby LCD screen in your barren room, corridor, or work station, and you will receive your Spiritual Food. After all, Big Brother.....errr......The Governing Body OverLords know what is best for YOU!!! Unbelievable!!!
We are now starting to see the direction of the new and improved smaller Governing Body, and it ain't pretty!!! Any hopes or dreams of a softer, more loveable or merciful Governing Body have now been crushed into oblivion, for their plans for the minions are of even more tight-fisted pharasitical oppression all in the name of serving Jehovah God, with Jesus supposedly have given THEM the keys to the Kingdom (possessions) to do what they want.
Truly, the beatings will continue until morale improves. There will be no more fence-sitters, lurkers, faders. The groundwork has been laid; you are either a "die-hard" Witness for Jehovah, putting forth all time and effort to do His....errr....the Governing Body's will of mindless, repetitive, un-effective door-knocking, or you will be out on your ass!!! To hell with your college-educated children or their futures, they are merely Satan-influenced independant thinkers, the Witnesses are your REAL family, so starting shunning any "worldly acting" children now, or else loose your priviledges, Brother Elder SoftOnRules!
Any active JW's reading this better take note; tough times are ahead, better polish up the G.E.D. pull up the Carhartt janitorial uniform, and start putting in longer hours at the window washing/janitorial job, because the New Order isn't anywhere in sight just yet, no matter how many times they claim it is "imminent, just around the corner!"
- Wing Commander