I don't see anything different in that talk. On the other thread, references were given that show the WTS believes that in order to live up to your dedication (to the WTS) that one must engage in the public "preaching" work. If you're inactive right now, you likely have no "privileges" with the exception of commenting. I've seen inactive ones or ones who rarely make any meetings being removed from the TMS without being told although that's probably not WTS procedure. As others have mentioned, I've also see inactive folks labeled as bad association and avoided at least on a social basis. Not shunning but probably more in line with how Paul wanted df'ing to be practiced. Marked if you will but without the official marking talk.
If the question is whether GB 2.0 will be more hard-lined, I think we'd really have to wait and see if they decide to appoint any additional members and who those members are. Also key would be whether the hard core guys such as Losch emerge as the new "boss".
I think it could easily go to a much more hardcore stance about certain things as GB 2.0 wishes to get back to their roots or go back to the good old days when JWs were fully engaged. I can see them thinking that's the answer. The other option would be to go a little more mainstream which has been discussed at length.
But in terms of considering one DA'ed because they're inactive, it really seems counterproductive and unnecessary. These folks are already treated poorly without official sanctions. So, what advantage would it be to place sanctions on these people?
By the way, if a person hits inactive status, per the "Shepherd the Flock of God" book, page 52, paragraphs 16 & 17, a short time inactive person (short time not defined but likely less than a year) may be assigned to work with an "experienced publisher" and reactivated without the Service Committee assigning a person to study with that person. A long time inactive person (not defined) will need to go through a process similar to what a person who is a first time publisher i.e. does the person meet the requirements set forth in the Organized to Do Jehovah's Will book, pags 79-81. And, someone would probably study with them (and get to count the time, yeah!)
Now why would the WTS publish 2 pages of information in their brand new elders book that reinforces the standing procedure (page 50, paragraph 12) that states an inactive person should be assigned to a service group (change in terminology from book study group) only to scrap it before many elders have even seen the book or been through the KM school? It just doesn't make sense.