Which is the most ridiculous religion?

by sleepy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Most of us now laugh at the witnesses, but I think compared to some others they are quite reasonable ( notice I said compared).
    So which religion has the most crazy beliefs.

    I dont have much knowledge of these religions but I'll mention what I know , feel free to add your own points or correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'll start with.
    Believe Jews migrated to america.And that we are angels on earth being tested.
    Believe rev moon is Jesus on earth.They also use (missuse) quatum physics to prove their beliefs.
    Must pay to use a machine that tells you you are a failure , need to give lots of money.

  • ashitaka

    Scientology, perhaps? I happen to agree, there.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Which is the MOST ridiculous religion? Wow. There are so many possible answers. What are we looking for; ridiculous rituals, ridiculous doctrine, ridiculous requirements?

    In my opinion, HINDUISM ranks pretty high. While it may produce quiet, humble thinking people, for the most part. The many millions of deities, and sacred animals are insane. However, KAMA SUTRA of course is another story, and I think the men will agree.

    ISLAM isn't bad, unless you need freedom. Restricting every part of a woman or child's being is definitely insane.

    CHRISTIANITY and all of it's many forms rank pretty high too. I guess I can't just pick one. They are all insane!

  • nytelecom2


    i live by the words of these men...and i do what they say daily

  • Okidok

    The most of religion is ridiculous one way or another.

    "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to
    ---Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

  • RunningMan

    There are some extremely ridiculous fringe groups, but the dumbest mainstream religion, in my opinion, is Christian Science.

    Imagine taking one of the JW's stupidest ideas (the blood ban), and multiplying it over every field of science and medicine. The cognitive dissonance within that group must be staggering.

  • ashitaka

    How about "Religion is Ridiculous."


  • gilwarrior

    I have never understood why the Mormons always ride in bicycles. Why can't they use cars like everybody else.

  • Duncan

    Good Thread, Sleepy

    Most RIDICULOUS belief I ever came across was this chap who used to work in our office.

    He believed - and I guess we really shouldn't laugh - anyway, he was firmly convinced that - GET THIS....

    ... that Arsenal was actually a good side, worth watching.

    The amount of time, energy and money this poor sap spent in his devotion was simply tragic.

    head-shaking class

  • Mindchild

    I once heard about this really crazy and ridiculous religion that developed doctrines that were absolutely perfect for destroying families, causing members to commit suicides when they discovered it was all a lie, and routinely killed members who were in life and death situations by requiring them to make insane choices to not take certain types of medical treatment.

    Even more disgusting is that this group of nuts did everything they possibly could to put other religions down, even calling them every name in the book and then some. They don't respect other people's beliefs, they practice lying and deceit, but they don't practice birthdays.

    They delight in keeping their members the most uneducated of all organized religions, and one of the most sexually repressed as well. To take the cake, they are incredible hypocrites who constantly say one thing yet do another. The most recent revelations about this group show that they tolerate serial sex offenders to remain in good standing in their churches and they joined the UN years ago secretly just to use the library but at the same time bragged about how evil and vile this organization was.

    These are the most assanine religious leaders I can think of but for some reason their name just slips my mind for the moment.


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