Which is the most ridiculous religion?

by sleepy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    MOVE Members.
    Long live John Africa!
    (Only those of you from or familiar with Philly will probably know about MOVE Members)

  • Francois

    I'd have to vote for Islam. It keeps its people stuck in the ninth century and worshipping a tribal-type god just like Jehovah.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Wasn't it the Shakers who didn't believe in sex? After a while, no more Shakers. Nice furniture though.

  • sleepy

    Don't you still have religious communities who live seprately to everyone else in the States.
    Is that the Quakers or something else?

  • sleepy

    Anyone know much about these craizies we used to meet on the min?
    Church of God.
    Plymouth Breathren.
    Salvation army.
    Christadelphianes. (not sure of spelling)
    Seventh day adventists.

  • Kenneson

    The Amish live in communities separate unto themselves. The Quakers live amongst us.

  • JanH


    You think about the Amish, me thinks.

    The question is: what criteria do we use to judge how "ridiculous" a religion or its beliefs are?

    Most likely, many will find religions that are different from what they are used to. In the western world, people are used to christianity. A religion that departs strongly from those widely accepted beliefs will satisfy the criteria for "ridiculous" for many.

    However, if xtianity did not win that power struggle back then, and someone tried to introduce an old tribal god gone universal, sacrificing himself or whoever his son his, being obsessed with death and sexual chastity, and whose main ritual was cannibalistic, I think almost everyone would consider it ridiculous.

    - Jan
    The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.

  • sleepy

    We often think how crazy we were to be mixed up in all this JW mess.I
    But I wonder how people from these other similiar style religions cope when they fing out their religion is not true.

    I wonder if there is an Amish-disscusion web site.
    Maybe theres a book 30 years a "Quaker slave".

  • Satanus

    Richard nixon was a quaker.

  • JWinSF

    The JWs, Mormans, Moonies, and Scientologists are all labeled as cults by most cult experts. They all definitely match the qualifiying characteristics of being cults.

    They're all dangerous in that they needlessly control their members actions, IMO.

    Also, while the stated beliefs at the top posting of the Mormans, Moonies, and Scienologists do appear to be wacky, they don't hold the title for being crazier than the JWs. After all, the JWs at one time said that it was the literal heart that was the seat of all motivation/emotion. They even provided very stretched "proofs" to support their case. Also, the JW forbidding of blood would seem equally crazy by the Mormans, Moonies, and Scientologists and any other religious group. The shaky doctrine of the generation of 1914, the numerous failed predictions of the "End of this System of Things", and many more examples of JW theology also seem quite ludicrous when compared to the theological stances of other religions.

    So, nope, I think the JWs are just as screwed up as the other cults that were mentioned.

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