Is Liberal Christianity Smug and Arrogant?

by leavingwt 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    This is even more troubling, for a variety of reasons, IMHO.


    Is it so hard to believe that people do what is best for THEM then what is right?

    Lets just suppose that Jesus was who he was, look what happened to Him:

    Even after all he did and all he helped, healed and saved, he was killed and abandonded by the very people he was with.

    Human nature can suck at times, this we know.

    The HS speaks to us and guides us to what is right and just, but it is up to us to follow or at least listen.

    I don't have any issues with it being the way it is because the alternative ( no HS or a dictator God) is far worse.

  • jgnat

    foodalls, history leaks. This has always been the way. The library at Alexandria burned down. Fire happens. It is impossible have full knowledge of all that has passed. Why should we even care to keep all that has ever been recorded? Have you read some of the books that were excluded from the authorized bible? Some of them are poisonous anti-Jewish rants.

  • PSacramento
    Progressive Christians have had to address this historical Jesus with all of his teachings and 'soften' the message to make it palatable because, god bless the NT writers, they recorded the good bad and ugly about their Leader and his 'New' ideas.

    If any book needs softening it was the OT, not the NT.

    But it isn't about that, it is about reconciling what we know with what was written, in the CONTEXT and TIME it was written.

    You bought up the issue of Hell, well, there is really no need to soften that message that much, fact is and we have experince in this in the world we live in today, deny or ignore Jesus and things will "turn into Hell" very quickly.

    What do I mean by that?

    Simple, Jesus is the embodiment of Love, forgiveness and tolerance, ignore and deny those things in life and you see what you get.

  • PSacramento

    Most "liberal" Christians that I know ( and I am viewing those that are NOT fundamentalists) are quite the opposite of smug and arrogance, why?

    Because they KNOW that they don't know everything, they are willing to accept that the Bible, having been written by Man, can indeed by errant in matters that were not vital to the writers.

    The bible is a base, a core for us to "fly from" and to be "stuck in", it guides us in many ways to The Word but it is NOT The Word.

    The bible is NOT alive, The Word of God IS alive.

    I love the bible and read it daily ( or as much as I can) but I also am critical of it and how it was and can be used do to wrong and this happens when Man places more value on the Written Word of Writters rather than on the Living Word of God.

  • designs

    I look forward to the time when I see more Christians of any persuasion, progressive or conservative, show up to environmental cleanup projects and show that they care about the future of this earth that we are the stewards of.


  • jgnat

    designs, if I use natural fertilizer without pesticides in my garden, does that count? How about putting in an efficient furnace? Planting a tree?

  • PSacramento
  • myelaine

    dear designs... you suggested: "To understand how in Judaism issues of why the Jews were singled out to have a certain code I would suggest studying what is known as The Two Views."...but understanding that probably wont answer my question... moses posed the question about sin and atonement and the answer was the atonement sacrifice which was performed by priest on behalf of the jewish was a REQUIREMENT OF THE RELIGION. Now some 2000 years have passed by without this religious requirement being met and it's ok philosophize it away and include gentiles in the reneging of obligations...but ...ta da!... either the sacrifices actually had a reason and they ment something to God and israel or moses instituted an epic chain you see a problem in not delivering a religious answer to a religious question? love michelle

  • designs


    As a maturing religion the Jewish communites deal quite well without the sacrifices or having the central Temple in Jerusalem, sort of the fallback plan. Again ask a Rabbi about the celebrations of Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah and what they mean to a modern Jew and how they are celebrated.

    You are thinking like a Protestant, get a yarmulkah on and see it from a different perspective.

  • myelaine

    dear designs...

    actually I was looking at it from an orthodox jewish perspective...someone who is aware that the wrath of God remains on him as long as he doesn't make EVERY effort to fulfill his obligation.

    love michelle

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