AGuest - please don't threaten me with your 'peace - but if you don't accept my god you'll burn in hell eternally' comments.
Greetings, dear Qcmbr... and peace to you! If this is what you think I did... then, as I stated (and dear tec vouched for)... you sincerely misunderstand me. I don't believe you will burn in hell eternally... and certainly not simply becasuse you don't accept my God.
You are scared - I understand - you think that there really are burning fires of hell that the 'loving' god made for us .
Ummm... no, sorry, dear Qcmbr: I'm neither afraid... nor do I think there are burning fires in hell. In Gehenna (the Lake of Fire), yes. But that isn't hell. I have seen hell (sheol/hades), dear one... and there wasn't a fire in sight. Indeed, the only "spark" I saw was the very tiny bit of "life" in the eyes of those sleeping there when I arrived. And it was so brief I would have missed it had I not been paying attention to WHY I was taken there. No, I did not go in body, but in spirit. And the only thing there was dust... and bones. A gazillion magillion bones. Piled high... wide... long... and deep.
I had no fear, however, because there was nothing TO fear: the modicum of spirit that was in those bones (not enough to raise them, even wake them up longer than that brief moment) was simply enough to allow them to waken and ask "Is this it?" They didn't even have enough life in them to know what "it" was, but only that they were waiting for something. In the same moment, they "realized" that this wasn't "it"... and returned to sleeping. They knew of nothing... here, before, there, or anywhere... and posed absolutely no threat to anyone or anything.
I appreciate how comforting it is to think of someone else being tortured for you.
Comforting? If that's what you think, dear one, then you really do not know the Christ... or those who truly belong to him. There is no comfort in such a thing. It is just more mourning and outcry. Which is why my Lord FORGAVE those who sinned against him... and told those who belong to him to do the same. We draw our comfort from him, therefore, and do as he said in this: showing mercy, forgiving, and releasing... even those who have sinned against us. Why? Because we want to BE shown mercy, forgiven, and released from OUR sins... against God, Christ... and anyone else.
I can see how you do not wish to take responsibility for thinking (that's why you like the slave idea.)
Well, you could be right, but I don't think so. Being joined to and following Christ is quite a responsible task. Many people are very gullible and impressionable... and easily misled. Even the chosen ones. So, I am OBLIGATED to be quite careful... and responsible... in what/how I share with them, say to them, do for them, don't do TO them, and care for them. I am only a slave, however... and by choice (because it is not required)... because I love the One who gave his life for me... and, IMHO, it's the least I can be. I mean, I don't have anything he needs, and there is nothing I can do for HIM... other than offer MY life, in return. That's usually what honorable DO when one gives their life for them. It used to be customary, actually. Not so much anymore - we kinda take such things for granted, today, considering such things archaic, even ridiculous. But that is only in fulfillment of my Lord's words that, because of the increasing of lawlessness (i.e., lack of love, which is the Law's fulfillment)... the love of the greater number would cool off. And it really has, dear one.
These are not, however, good ideas to bring to a discussion table where you wish to make serious comments. Peace without any hell to you :P
Nor did I... and the same peace... as well as the kind of peace my Lord gives... to you, as well!
Christianity and most religions have an inbuilt need for arrogance - religion by its very definition is elitist, stratifying the world into saved and damned, righteous and wicked, clean and filthy.
And that really is not only too bad... but unchristian. My Lord didn't gain followers by judging, but do to his words and works that showed love to be the Law's fulfillment. But such words were and are considered "weak"... and such works considered the product of demons. Then... and now.
As for smugness, I really rather feel that christianity in all forms has taken rather a beating of late and I don't see very muchs mugness around and I include liberal Christians in the pot for they have been exposed as immoral and inhumane as well.
I don't we can limit it to "christians" or non-christians, dear one. MAN... dominates his fellow man... even those who ARE like him, who DO believe as he does... to his own injury. MANY have shown this; modernly, the WTBTS demonstrates it every day.
I don't know how modern Christianity - increasingly shorn of its historical institutional protection - can respond. It has been defeated by evolution and has fought a Dunkirk action with Intelligent Design (I am astounded by the way the new 'smart' Christians are quick to scoff at young earth creationists as somehow un-biblical and foolish.)
This what happens when one follows the ideologies, theocracies, and doctrines created, contrived, and pushed by man... rather than the Holy Spirit, dear Qcmbr: the Christ exists "divided." And so you end up with cults, sects, heresies, etc.
Religion has always played upon the moral ground as though the alternative was depravity and wholesale debauchery but the whole black rights ,gay rights debates, war caused by religion, AIDS/condoms and the scandal of paedophilia in the church has exposed Christianity as so morally corrupt as to be something to be avoided (not surprising when you take your yardstick from an old warrior tribe of animal butchers.)
Well, such things exist elsewhere, too - however, due to its very vocal opposition to such things... all the while existing in such itself... "christianity's" hypocrisy has resulted in more bad upon her, in her, thought of her, and shown by her... than good. But that's what happens when others figure out the harlot IS a harlot... as opposed to a chaste wife she wants everyone else to BELIEVE she is.
Where people like me are upset (nay livid) is because we got lied to, as children by those who should have known better
And that is understandable. But what does being upset DO? You're not going to stop/change/eliminate/be victorious against such ones. Why not use that energy, instead, to tell people the TRUTH... as many as will hear you? But you can't DO that, can you, if you don't know it, yourself? There is a Way, however, to know the truth... and that is by knowing the Truth.
in a shocking collusion between state, church and family.
All prophesied, so I am not sure why the HUGE surprise, other than... and please forgive me for saying this, but... arrogance. Thinking that while it may happen to some others "fools"... it certainly won't happen to me/my parents/family/loved ones. To the contrary, my Lord prophesied that it would occur EVEN for some of the chosen ones! (Matthew 24:24)
I spend the best part of 30 years paying god for the privilege of believing rubbish,
No, dear one... you did NOT pay God, the Most Holy One of Armies. You paid those who misled you, who TOLD you that you were paying God. Those who exacted "corban" from you. Those are who you should be mad at.
thinking I was not good enough, that no matter how much time and effort I gave it was still worthless and that only through abject denigration of my own desires and will to a god who couldn't be bothered to answer my prayers could I ever hope to have an eternal existence of praising this tyrant.
Yet, the Most Holy One of Israel NEVER told you that, did He? Indeed, His Son said the exact opposite! It was "they" who told you such lies, the false christs, false prophets, hypocritical "scribes" and "Pharisees/Sadducees"... the unclean "priests"... all of whom are NOT sons of God, but the offspring of VIPERS. Their food and drink is venomous and their "bite" poison. And virtually ALL have been "bitten" by them! Which is WHY we MUST keep our gaze on Christ, the Copper Seraph (Daniel 10:6; Revelation 1:15). For just as Moses lifted up the copper serpent in the wilderness, so too, the Son of Man has been lifted... that everyone who looks upon HIM... although bitten... will live.
But "looking upon him"... requires faith... so as to see him. And that faith... is exercised; it is not dormant or rhetorical.
I was an idiot.
As was I, dear one. But where is the crime or sin in being so? Where does the Law say, "Thou must not be fooled"? There is none. The only "law" that says you did something wrong (rather than those who actually did by misleading you)... is the law... of pride. Pride says we cannot be fooled, or if so, there is something "wrong" with us. That is a lie. If we NOT be fooled, then the reason for even allowing the Adversary to remain was moot. It was not, however. He has made a challenge... to ALL of mankind: that, skin in behalf of skin and ALL a man has he WILL give in behalf of his flesh. He'll even give others, including his own flesh. That it is only when God does "good" to us that we love and serve Him, but as soon as things appear/go "bad"... we WILL curse Him to His face. Praise JAH, there is One that answered that challenge for ME. In return, I am simply trying not to let the efforts he made in MY behalf have been in vain. So, I take up that challenge as well, to the extent I can... and make my own reply to the one taunting God as respects ME. Where I fall short, that One, His Son and Christ, my Lord... the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... makes up my difference. With HIS blood.
I will ever be grateful for people of stronger moral fibre and courage than I, to write and say, often harsh, often painful things that made me face the truth.
I understand. We should be grateful to ALL who we believe has done us a good. For me, that includes Christ, and because of him, God.
I hope this helps you understand my position, dear Qcmbr, and again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,