This letter, left by man who was sexually abused as a child, commited suicide after being unable to function in his life post molestation. It's very disturbing and may cause triggers from those who are survivors of sexual abuse, so this is my warning to those that may be very sensitive to this issue as from what I have read, left a very powerful and raw sense of emotions while reading this.....
Wow, gave me a very powerful insight, I'm beginning to understand....although I do disagree some key points he has addressed, but sadden he's no longer with the living. I can understand his position, his pain and how the molestation has effected his life.
At the end, I feel really sad for him....
Instead of posting it all here, I'm leaving a link instead and a warning for those that are very sensitive on this issue and for those that are survivors of child molestation.....
You've been warned.....