Reading about his horrible past, extreme isolation and especially his complete hopelessness in life made me cry. I hope he's in a better place right now.
The Agonizing Last Words of Programmer Bill Zeller *READ WARNING FIRST*
by Yizuman 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
After seeing his photo albums of friends, co-workers, family and so on, it shows alot of what appears to be a normal looking young man living the life parties, his programming work in computers, laughing with his college buddies and so on. So it's hard to imagine putting on a facade just to hide the mask of pain hidden underneath him.
How agonizing this must feel carrying on the weight of darkness in his life to point of despair.
He had a life and a good one. It just wasn't enough for him, a true tragedy in of itself.
Justitia Themis
Very powerful.