Our laws have got to get a lot tougher . They have to pay somehow, something strong enough to make them think before they do this sort of thing. Currently our laws are sort of like taking a shotgun and just shooting at the predator. A shot gun hits anything in site. There are different catagories of predators and what happened to him is among the most horrible. There is a difference between teenagers having sex ( 19 yr old boy has sex with 16 yr old grilfriend) and what he did. It should receive the right judgment. Currently both are called predators. We need the laws to be very specific.
I recentlly watched Oprah and she had a family on whose son at age 6 was molested and the molester was a serial kind. He went to trial and the mother of one molested child was so distraught she shot him in the courtroom. She got 10 years and served 4. Her 2 children were seperated as one relative could not take them both. The girl ended up ok, but the molested boy did not. Ran away and is now serving 28 years for a crime, can't recall what.
Where was help for this child? He needed help and got none. Sure maybe killing the molester was not the thing to do, but any parent can understand why she did it. If the legal system won't stop him, she had to. She later got involved in crime, most likely from association in jail. It is one of the most tragic stories I have ever heard of and all b/c our legal system lets the worst of the worst, men who rape little boys and girls,out on the streets.