Wonderful news that family still care about you. Congratulations
Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Amelia Ashton
It truly is a horrible horrible religion. Hugs and kisses to you both and the kids. Lots of love. Amelia xxxx
sweet pea
Welcome to living your life completely out in the open!
Apart from some sadness and pain where some family members and friends are concerned, you'll feel freer than you've ever felt.
They are so dense - it was the way everyone reacted to our doubts and the way the elders turned into something from a bad movie that convinced me that this organisation was nothing to to be with God (or if it was, that I wanted nothing to do with God! ). And, shunning as a way of tough love?? As if that would make you want to go back? When will they ever learn?
Roll on a fabulously pagan 2011!
poor behaviour from the informant who bubbled you but good luck the 2 of you for the upcoming new year and the rest of your life. Seeing that informants are lurking here from the UK then stick around a bit longer maybe you will learn something and be able to help others, I came from the Wimbledon Congregation in London and recently used this forum to expose a practicing baby rapist who has been welcomed back there due to his repentance and apparent therapy yet the Presiding Overseer of that cong shunned me last year in my own town! his name is Mr John Morley,him and his ass licking side kick Ted Sallows also lied on my Judicial Committee, lurkers from the UK please pay attention!
troubled mind
(((Nugget))) ....I think You handled yourself wonderfully at the door ! I also think you have already been through the roughest part ...all the anxiety over what could happen has now happened .
IT is so stressful waiting for the 'other shoe to drop' ,now it has . No longer will you have to look over your shoulder . Freedom to live your life as YOU see fit is worth everything.
Losing family over the religious aspect is sad ......but you can't please everyone all the time . It ultimately is THEIR choice . Good to hear your Dad is on your side . He may very well set the mood for the rest of the family ,because deep down they still love you and your family . Give them time ...once they realize their shunning is not blackmailing you back into the cult they may come to their senses ,and at least respect your decision .
As for the troll that lurked here to 'catch' you saying something against this awful cult .....well I hope they learned a few things and one day something will trigger them to THINK for themselves too . I am pretty sure a certain computer savy 'former' relative of ours did the very same thing to us .....I just cut them to the chase before they could confront us with the print outs . Sending the Elders a cease and desist harassment letter was the best thing I ever did ! They could no longer contact us to accuse me of anything .
did the informing "troll" acually post here ?
I'm happy for you both and sad that any member of your family is following the immoral dogma of the WT. God bless you.
Coffee House Girl
I also say sorry and congrats to you both (wierd to say them both in the same sentence). I am also saddened and disturbed by the troll who invaded your personal privacy to dig up dirt on the both of you...honestly can't there be any legal recourse here?? I do wish somehow there could be some stalking law that could protect people like us from people spying on us....
Cheers to freedom, I have always followed both of you on this forum and identified with you both and felt some hope when reading your posts that someday maybe I also can be mentally in a "better place"
Hang in there!
Hi Nugget and Cantleave,
I wish you both well, it is not easy leaving a high control group, and taking gradual steps as you seem to have done works for some too.
I was in similar position to you and faded slowly and deliberately for family reasons, ( as besty and sweet pea know), now after my journey away I do not care one jot if they df me ( except for my gorgeous daughter who I would miss terribly).
If you need help at all pm me I will give you my mobile phone number.
The only control that such people have over us is that which we give them
Warmest Regards
WoW, amazing that someone who felt it their duty to "tell on" you, visits, and has joined an "apostate" website to the extent to have access to the private section. I wonder how they explained to their elders why they were on there in the first place? Doesn't it make them an apostate too, associating with apostates? Tsk Tsk Tsk...perhaps there will be another annoucement along with yours, those things come in 3's sometimes. Afterall, they must have doubts too....
I am guessing the elders won't tell you who was so haughty they felt the need to violate 'gods own word' which is explicit in telling to mind your own business and not be a judge of others?
I am a firm believer of what comes around goes around...AND one day that person will regret this. To be the sole reason that causes the chain to profoundly affect your life and your family's life..wow. I actually pity that sad, jerk of a person.
As for you and your family, I will be thinking of you. In a way, it is a nice refreshing start to have freedom, to not be chained to that lie of an organization. I know you will do well and in time it won't matter. ((HUGS))