Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses

by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Congratulations Cantleave and Nugget and welcome to the rest of your life!

    JWs have the audacity to call themselves Christian, actions speak louder than words and their actions tell me loudly that they are as far removed from Christian kindness as anyone can get.

    So pleased that your Dad is OK with it, just goes to show the difference between someone who says they are Christian and someone who really is one.


  • bigmac

    nugget wrote:-

    "Look up idiot in the dictionary there is a picture of my husband next to it."

    ha ha ha ha ha ---right alongside me

    love you guys, must meet again soon

  • Incognito

    CHG said:

    ...honestly can't there be any legal recourse here?? I do wish somehow there could be some stalking law that could protect people like us from people spying on us....

    This is an open public discussion forum. The Private areas are freely accessible to anyone with only a user account. To obtain a user account, does not require much, only providing some basic information, whether real or made-up. When private information is posted on-line, there is no controlling who has access to that information.

    The WTS openly associated with the UN for almost 10 years. What makes you think that their 'agents' won't join this or any discussion board to gather evidence against any member... past or present?

    Be careful of what information you post as anything posted on the internet, cannot be taken-back once the 'Submit' button has been pressed.

  • sleepingbeauty

    Congratulations. Feels strange to be saying that! Well instead of feeling down you really must celebrate. Your FREE - well not Officially until Tuesday)... Can you believe the lengths these Jo Ho's go to, to catch there so called wandering sheep... Well I hope there really satisfied with themselves now. I'm just sorry the moron who dobbed you in didn't read on enough to realise he's stuck in a mindless, brainwashing, dangerous CULT!!!!!

    Big Hugs to you both & your little Nuggets ... Hope to see you all again soon withour little sleeping goatlets :)

  • nugget

    thank you all for your loving posts we both appreciate this. It is funny that this stupidity has the power to cause pain even if it is momentary. I sincerely feel that whilst this is never what we planned it isn't a bad thing either. By posting anywhere there is a danger of exposure and we always knew this. After all the benefits we have received here outweigh this last twist. Here there is a mixed community with often opposing views and yet there is no fear at expressing what is in the heart. When people are in pain the board responds without weighing up how worthy someone is.

    Rules senselessly applied are not signs of true christians and power wielded for spite is tyranny. It is not loving to try to call me to a jc when they know that I am alone with the the children due to hubbys work. It is not loving to make people frightened of what the think and how they express themselves. I am sad that so many good people can be so blind.

    I wonder if under freedom of information I could demand all the material they have. Data protection is law here and may reveal our troll. Congregation may soon start shredding.

    Could do with a hug but the virtual ones do make me feel warm all over.

  • chickpea


    warmly proffered

    now i am sweating....

  • mouthy

    For Nugget & family

  • GLTirebiter

    The suspense is over; you won't need to hide any more. Good luck to you, Nugget and Cantleave, and attaboy to your dad for standing up for you!

  • mamalove

    That is a great idea nugget! I do think I read that in the UK, freedom of information would extend to something as far reaching as judicial committee records.

    I wonder how extensive the freedom act gets? would be interesting if there was some kind of affidavit the elders had to fill out and expose your accuser. If they shredded Franz's records and recordings, i am sure they would have no issue doing that to your data to protect the mole.

  • watson

    Just another casualty of "Theocratic Warfare".

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