You handled the elders very well. How sad that some of us have to go through these things, but it's wonderful that you will now have freedom and not have to hide anything any more. I am glad your father is taking your side. I hope your sister eventually has her eyes opened, too. Best wishes on your new, open life!
Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Well, congratulations to you both . Hopefully this will free you from having to look over your shoulders constantly, not that you were anyway. I wish you and your children all the freedom and happiness you can find ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I wonder if you can't ask that the witness confront you and accuse you in person in your JC. But, on the other hand, it may not be worth the trouble, after all, who cares? Now you can go on with your life in peace. Lots of hugs to you.
leaving is a shock to the system. and I will always miss friends who are now out of my life. but nothing rots the soul like living a lie, pretending to believe in things that you know aren't true.
I wish you happiness on your new journey.
Thank you Mr Flipper. Fading is ok but having to watch that you don't offend the congregation by your actions. When my son asked me what they wanted I told him that the elders had kindly come round to say they weren't watching us any more and if we wanted to celebrate Christmas and have lights then that was fine.
His response was that it was a good thing. Thank goodness they didn't wait until December. He has drawn up the plan for the outside lights already.
Onwards & Upwards. Make sure you look at this as a Fresh Start with New Beginnings and not something like a huge loss ... You've escaped & now its time to start living.
Nothing tastes better than Freedom from JW Oppression... You Have A Big Window of Opportunity :)
Open Mind said:
I have a feeling Facebook will be our undoing as well.
Facebook's owner, Mark Zuckerberg, has already come to the realization that there is no privacy online. This is in part why he's so quick to open-up everyone's privacy settings. Most people have not yet come to this realization and squawk when their information is 'more easily' made available. Although Zuckerberg may have reinstated the usual privacy settings, there are various 'back-doors' into most FB user's private account areas.
I say 'in part' as the information contained (your/my information) is very valuable for marketing and other purposes, giving FB a January 2011 estimated value of 50 Billion (with a 'B') US dollars.
HairyheGoat said:
The low life that printed the comments from your page must feel great that they have finally got you.
The 'gotcha' attitude is one that the WT organization has and relies on. Such love!
This I believe is why the WT does not want the R&F witnesses to read the 'secret' elders manual. If a R&F witness is not aware of all the rules and regulations, the powers that be may then use it against that person in a technical and legalistic manner, if that person should go against one of their beloved rules from 'on high'. Even if a R&F witness has read and can quote the relevant 'clause' from the manual, the Elders could then state that there has been an update or clarification to that item which the R&F JW is not aware of as it was discussed at the last Elders meeting.
Nugget - it would be lovely if you could post a pic of the lights next year as a way to commemorate/celebrate/share with us. What a gift you have received!
We will happily post the lights. It will be something else positive to look forward to. You can come a long way in a year. Who knows my cyber stalker may be on the board as a regular poster by then. Who knows what they have already read.
You are so right Nugget -- you can come a long way in a year. Can't wait for the pics of the lights!!!!!!!