Could ''boredom'' at the Kingdom Hall be one reason why some members leave?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heartofaboy

    The Watchtower org' really does not deserve to retain their young ones.

    The needs of children & teenagers have been & are ignored 90% of the time at the meetings.

    The org' has NEVER seen it as their responsibility to 'entertain' young minds, always maintaining it is the parents responsibility.

    I wont hold my breath for any changes.

    The only 'life' the Watchtower organisation is interested in saving is its own.

  • designs


    I remember those types of Events, Saturday night at the KH showing Nature films, congregation picinics, we use to have Surf Days and go the Califia Beach in San Clemente, Big Tents at the DA. It all started to change in the late 60s, early 70s to the point you'd rather watch paint dry than go to a meeting.

  • streets76

    I seem to recall every meeting I ever attended as a mind numbing waste of time.

    Weekly waste of time = (5 hours) * (number of congregations in world) * (number of attendees)

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    It was a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

    I remember about ten years ago that Clyde decided to attend the book study that he hadn't been to for several months. They had just finished a study book, and it happened to be the night that they were reviewing the entire book. The conductor had some well-thought out questions, but most of the attendees sat there quiet--it was hard to answer questions on subjects they studied weeks earlier. Clyde just thumbed through the book and ended up answering most of the questions. Everyone was astounded--even myself. I asked him later how he did it--and he said everything is just a "repeat" of everything he ever knew.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    A young MS gave a talk once which was lively, informative and not boring. An elder (Ivor Holmes) commented afterwards, "we are not here to be entertained".

  • Ding

    For some reason putting in time -- time at meetings, time in FS -- seems to be one of the main measures of spirituality in the WTS.

    Probably because it's relatively easy to measure and verify -- unlike things like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, humility, etc.

  • Robert7

    The boredom for me indirectly helped me leave. It is boring because for example the same topics repeating over and over again also the many Meetings talking about meetings.

    So these reasons for the boredom opened up my mind. Why repeat such simple topics over and over? Is this true worship as they say? Why did I spend 2 hours getting myself and the family ready for this? This is so unfullfilling.

    So over time my mind broke out of the cult because of this boredom.


    You can only cook potatoes so many ways..In the end..It`s still a potatoe..

    The same Old WBT$ Information is no different..

    It`s the Same Dam Potatoe every time you go to a WBT$ meeting..

    "I`m a WBT$ Potatoe!.. I`m trying to be Interesting!"..

    "You in the 3rd Row!..Wake up!!"

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • jookbeard

    I've done tons of stuff to break the boredom, to see as many toilet breaks I could have in one meeting to going into town finding a bar necking a couple of beers and then coming back, boredom is a killer, as someone said I visited a KH very briefly in 2002 after 10 years and it was the same shit.

  • pontoon

    Back when I used to serve I put a tremendous amount of effort into preparation for talks, always trying to find some point that would be new to everyone. I just didn't want to get up there and give the same old that everyone has heard 50 times before. I felt people came to the hall, they deserved a good effort from the ones that had parts. Some of those talks I still remember today. One time one of my talks got me so off theme or topic, but I figured what the hell, its actually interesting, I'll do it anyway, thinking I would even get some light-hearted counsel about it. The response to it after the meeting was huge. The "friends" were just so enthustic to hear something that they hadn't heard before. I think less effort into talk preparation was the start of my fade, though I didn't know it then.

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