Could ''boredom'' at the Kingdom Hall be one reason why some members leave?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dontplaceliterature

    People (My wife included), are frequently suprised by my ability to give last minute TMS and Service Meeting Parts "off the cuff." I told my wife one time that, "it's just the same crap I've been hearing my entire life, what's so hard about that?"

    This thread is awesome, and really struck a chord with me.

    I've been inspired to do something new to stimulate my mind at the next few meetings: I'm going to keep a tally of how many times the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" is honored by name versus how many times Jesus or Jehovah are honored by name. I already know it will be skewed beyond anything sensible, but it'd be interesting to be able to work that statistic into an upcoming public talk just to remind the "friends" who it is we actually are supposed to be worshipping.

  • bohm

    DPL, i find it even more funny how often 607bc comes up in context that has no relevance to chronology; it is allmost certain that in any discussion of any event in that general time periode 607bc will be mentioned, often in articles that mention no other dates.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    I'm going to keep a tally of how many times the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" is honored by name versus how many times Jesus or Jehovah are honored by name.

    About 20 years ago Clyde asked me, "How many times is the name Jehovah used in the Bible?" I answered something like 7,000. Then he asked me, "How many times is there a reference to the Faithful and Discreet Slave?" I answered one or two. Then he asked, then why do we hear so much about the FDS in the publications? We hear it almost as much as Jehovah. It made a small dent in my faith - more dents came later.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Juan Viejo wrote: "One thing that my Kingdom Hall did during the late 1950s was to hold the Sunday public talk and Watchtower study at the big park in Riverside, CA."

    Yes - our congregation also had a meeting in a park. We also had a meeting in a township hall and also a meeting room above a police station. These were in outlying towns close to the edge of our territory, and we would blitz the area with handbills inviting the public to attend.

    I remember the CO giving the public talk at one of those meetings. He stopped in the middle of a sentence and ordered the mother of a crying baby to take the baby out. I wonder what kind of impact that made on the public?


  • dontplaceliterature

    We also had a CO stop and order a mother with a screaming kid to leave the auditorium. This was actually at the Kingdom Hall though. The worst part was, she was someone's Bible Student, and the kid had autism. What an asshole....

  • pontoon

    DPL, I also saw that happen while visiting the congregation in Franklin NH. We were shocked. That bible study left and the elders immediately went into damage control. Wasn't my congregation, I don't know how it all turned out. But it broke the boredom!!!!!

  • BU2B

    I have felt that the meetings were boring for as long as I can remember. Time never goes as slow as during a WT study. However now that I know TTATT, they are still boring, however now I am tormented with the selfrighteousness I never noticed before, the demeaning attitude toward all non believers, the mind control tactics, the weak arguments, all of the logical fallacies vollied around, the generall fakeness of all the "friends".. When you know TTATT, it goes from mere boredom to mental torture.

  • fulltimestudent

    Steve2 - I have always maintained that apathy is a far, far bigger threat to active JWs than apostasy could ever be. So many of them look and sound like they're sleepwalking their way through their dreary, joyless lives.

    Quite likely, Steve!

    I was an archetypal "true believer." Constantly seeing Yahweh's guiding hand, leading us onward and onward and onward. But even a blind man like me, could see how boring the meetings could be.

    And, I recall that it was often a subject of discussion. Some of us tried hard to make meetings interesting and there was always fiddling at the edges, for example, way,way, back (can't remember when), public talks were reduced from 60 minutes to 45 minutes, when actually they should've been 30 minutes or less.

    But, your comment reminded me of scholar Robin Lane Fox's opinion of life in a Christian church in the third century CE. Lane has studied early Christian writings and from these writings that counsel Christians of that era, he's formed this opinion:

    "Life in a third-century church shows only too clearly through these long counsels. They do not suggest ... a church triumphant. They show a membership which had known better than to obey their authors' and leaders' counsels of dullness. Their life was a round of small temptations, furtive love, gossip among the widows, gambling and attempts to by or in fluence the bishop's favour."

    p.560, Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean World: From the second century AD to the Conversion of Constantine.Penguin Edition, 2006

    Christianity, for most of its captives, is a boring religion, that requires theatrics and music to turn it into entertainment.

  • Emery

    I know of 2 young exjws who were so mentally exhausted and bored of the meetings that they no longer wanted to be jws anymore. Who wants to sit in a chair hearing some old guy read paragraphs to you for 1.5 hours? Routine pre-recorded music and prayers with no actual worship going on? This generation that's who.

  • freddo

    One of the best CO's I remember actually wryly said from the platform to be kind to new ones with children coming along as they weren't used to long meetings especially nowadays. (this was in the late 1990's) He actually said when he was a young man in his twenties coming along he came to hear about everlasting life and that when he sat in a watchtower study for the first time he actually had a foretaste of everlasting life as it seemed so long and boring it was never-ending!

    He then said I only have 30 minute ones now (as a CO visit doesn't get the paras read) but my wife has to put up with me giving the same talk for six months at a time poor love!

    Actually he was probably our last (only?) really good CO ...

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