Tried to end my "bible" study, ended up agreeing to go to the Kingdom Hall instead!!!

by KristiKay 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nobleheart

    It's great that Bible studies these days can find out facts about the history and doctrines of JW thanks to Internet. Before you end your study, I suggest you show the lady actual quotes of changed teachings from wt publications. Use and copy the actual quotes about 1914, 1925, 1975, 'superior authorities', 'this generation', etc and paste them into Word. Then print it out for her, maybe she wouldn't read printouts from an internet 'apostate' site. I know it might take some of your time, but they're just WT publications, so she should not object to reading them.

    The reason why I say this is because some time ago (while I was still mentally inside the JW world), a girl I used to visit showed me a book written by an ex-JW. She'd read most of it and told me about the false prophecies and Deut 18: 20-22. I wasn't able to provide her with a satisfactory justification for them. I asked an elder in our hall how I was to answer someone in this kind of situation. He basically told me if someone had read this info, he/she is a lost cause and I shouldn't bother anymore.

    Months later, I started doing my own research after finding out about the UN involvement and other issues. But what this person had the courage to show me left an impression on me, and certainly planted doubts in my mind.

    If you care about the lady visiting you, please give it a try. You never know what the effects could be. She might thank you later. Or she's stick to the cult.

    Also, now that you attended the KH once, you've given her 'hope' about you actually enjoying the meetings and maybe going another time. Tell her you're busy next time, or better simply say you already gave it a chance, but don't feel like attending again.

  • moshe

    This and other damning stuff can be found at

    Take a copy of this WT cover with you and ask everyone at the KH that you want to meet one of those original anointed JWs as shown on the WT.


  • diamondiiz

    The lady is trying to recruit you and put doubts in your mind about your beliefs, there is no shame in doing the same to her. Stick with wts publication quotes and show her the quotes and from where they were taken so she writes it down and researches it in her own publicactions. Try sticking to the dates especially 607 since the entire wts theology hangs on this - at least it does today. If 607BC is wrong then 1914 is wrong and therefor 1919 is wrong thus making WTS leaders never been chosen by God. What else can she say? The only excuses jws have for 607 is that they try to downplay all the evidence out there, they try to say that there is not enough proof for 586/7 date and that bible is correct but from reading here you can see that there is a lot of evidence for 586/7BC destruction of Jerusalem and that bible doesn't give any dates and any dates used for bible study are based on wordly sources.

    Don't feel sorry to shake her faith in her belief system since that's what jws do to everyone they meet. Besides, if you stop the study, it's not like you'll be best of friends with the jw anyways since you'll be like the rest of the world bound for destruction at Armageddon, especially since you were given a witness. lol Crazy wts propaganda. If you want ask the elders at the meeting why there is no proof for 607BC while plenty of evidence for 586/7? Most witnesses aren't educated on history past what wts tells them so don't be surprised if they repeat wts explanation. Stand your ground.

  • sabastious

    This is comic gold! You are telling her how much you don't believe in their shit at all. Then she asks you to go to a worship session with her you are like "oh ok, sure!"

    She Jedi Mind Tricked you!


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Id prioritize my goals. Going to the Kingdom Hall is such a major step along the road to being assimilated. You can have no idea, how much. Say you changed your mind politely. You owe her no obligation. They claim the studies are free. And after all, are you studying? or conforming to some fantasy about a friendship you want with her? Why enter the lion's den? People here tell me intelligence and knowledge are not why people get into cults. This is a dangerous situation. You don't believe the Witness teachings. Rather, you seek out alternative sites.

    Better you save yourself than lose yourself converting her. If you can convert her, fine. You never know something she rejects now may interact with something else and result in her leaving later.

    It is like the airline instructions. Save yourself, then save your children. Otherwise, you both go down.

  • laverite

    As you regroup and become more determined to cut the ties, you do know what's going to happen next, don't you?

    That's right. The more determined you become to leave the study behind you, the more likely it is that you'll be getting baptized soon. I have no doubts. Your baptism is not long off. Congrats, btw.

  • porfiada


    Im new here. Just give the notes to get her thinking and get outta there. I just finished my Bible Study which I had for about a year to get me re-instated. We ran into the blood issue in the rule book ("God's Love"). I had already ignored my gut instincts when we had a kingdom ministry meeting back in Feb on the matter, and carried on going to meetings, in case I saw the light. But come the end of November and its being served again.....I did not agree with the interpretation of the bible used for the no blood she asked me to just leave it for now and keep on going to meetings anyway. I said no thanks, been there done that. They are so sticky.

    A few days afterwards I was getting a txt msge that she hopes to see me at the meetings soon!

    Yeah right!

  • bohm

    leolaia: Thank you very much!

    Welcome, porfiada!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    porfiada, Welcome. It's great to see people exercising their God given ability to think.

    KristiKay, sorry for the irrelevant post.


  • mouthy

    Welcome porfiada Glad you escaped
    Krista.... Going to the KH isnt gonna do you or them any good
    your just making them think your having a brainwashing
    Sorry to bust your bottle

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