Why do you believe the bible? or not?

by AiAi 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    For me...Upon further review after my awakening I realized that I could not get out of the book of genesis without finding major plot holes for it to be the 'inspired word of god.'

    I now view the bible as an account of jewish mythology and beliefs/laws.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Don't. Because I accept the facts about its compilation and how it is a tribal book. End of story.

  • jgnat

    Not a Witness here, but an increasingly skeptical Christian willing to give my beliefs a good once-over. I figure knowledge is power. Don't take for granted what you have been told about the origins of the bible.

    Here's an account of the Council of Nicea. http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/nicaea.html

    Another concept I had to get used to is that early Christians were not as careful at transcribing as we would today. Many versions of Paul's letters were in circulation, for example. Perhaps they were not aware that these writings would later be taken as divine.

    Here's one compilation of early Christian writings. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/ You can see that many letters did not make it in to the canon.

    The bible we have today is the product of a committee. You may choose to believe that they were divinely led, and that is perfectly fine, too. Just be sure you understand what you are putting your faith in.

  • sabastious

    I have been devling into the Bible ever since I left the WT. It is a facinating read (when it's not the nonsensical NWT), but it seems very apparent to me that it just a human materpiece of philosophy and spirituality. I truly believe that once our culture embraces it as a work of art and not an authority in our lives it will become more alive to us all.

    Right now it's hard to research it because of the blood fueds going on about the contents in relation to modern science. Even now someone will read my post here and become offended or just feel compelled to refute what I am saying.

    Lots of emotions involved, so many people have been convinced my social conditioning that it is not right to speak ill of the Bible.


  • designs

    Why should anyone get upset over the Bible's prediction and promise of the End to Human Civilization

  • Terry

    A point worth consideration: Unless we have the EXACT words of Jesus, Apostles, prophets, etc. we can't actually argue over meaning.

    Think how many quibbles concern this word or that one!

    The Apostles didn't seem to quite understant what Jesus meant anyway.

    How do you accurately retell a conversation you had awhile back in which you didn't understand what was said?

    Theology treats the words of scripture like it was mathematics; a simple matter of adding or dividing and observing the total.

    Instead, it is hearsay, memory, approximation and imagination.

    No originals remain for us to match up the earliest version with the recopied variations.

    Bottom line?

    Scripture, at best, is a rough sketch and not a photograph. Theologians should not be treating it like a satellite map.

  • sabastious
    A point worth consideration: Unless we have the EXACT words of Jesus, Apostles, prophets, etc. we can't actually argue over meaning.

    You do realize the reason you are giving is impossible to satiate.

    Given the time that has passed and the archival technolgy in Jesus' day it would be impossible to prove that Jesus actually said anything that has been recorded from that time period.


  • tec

    All the more reason to place your faith in Christ, over a book, and go to Him in Spirit - if you can muster the faith to do so.


  • bohm

    sab: Exactly! it should be clear to everyone. now the real kicker: If its clear to us, it must have been clear to jesus. does that make any sence?

  • sabastious
    Some is inspired, some is just written according to what people thought or felt at the time.

    Just a quick point; you imply that some books are inspired when not one book has been proven to be inspired. So your sentence should have read more along the lines of "I believe some of the books are inspired and some are not", correct?


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