BOE LTR PDF Nov 17- Notation made to ks10

by yknot 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Thanks to the Anony-Brother

    ((( --- other Brothers who have expressed interest in participating but wishing to have total anonymity in sharing may now contact me to receive the location of a private file upload account and password. ))

    (( Hardcopy link of BOE LTR PDF : ))... In my best 'theocratic' voice trying to mimic a Service Meeting Conductor (giggles) ..."If you have acrobat you can insert this behind the other BOEs in the ks10 pdf, or if not consider downloading and keeping it in the same file as your ks10 for future need to know....

    I chose to 'highlight' what I thought might be of interest to the forum in the below transcript but of course it is not limited!


    Re: Letters of introduction

    Dear Brothers:

    Much fine direction on the subject of letters of introduction has been included in the Shepherding textbook. For example, paragraphs 30 and 31 of chapter 3 deal with letters of introduction when elders and ministerial servants move. Paragraph 22 of chapter 7 deals with letters of introduction when a publisher with judicial restrictions moves. Paragraph 2 of chapter 10 deals with what should be sent when a disfellowshipped or disassociated person moves. And paragraphs 20 and 21 of chapter 12 provide updated direction on leuers of introduction when a known child molester or an accused child molester moves. Thus, the July 1, 2006, letter to all bodies of elders regarding letters of introduction should be removed from the congregation permancnt file of policy letters and be destroyed. However, please note the following additional points that are not included in the Shepherding textbook.

    Format: A letter of introduction should always contain the following information: (I) the date of the letter, (2) the previous congregation's full name and complete mailing address, (3) the new congregation's full name and complete mailing address, and (4) signatures of the Congregation
    Service Committee, with their names typed or printed underneath their signatures. (be pp. 71-73) Some also find it helpful to use a regarding line (as shown above) so that the recipient may easily identify the purpose of the letter.

    Congregation publisber: When a publisher (active or inactive) moves to another congregation, a letter of introduction and the Congregation 's Publisher Record (S-21) cards should be promptly sent to the congregation where the publisher moved. (The last record card of an inactive
    publisher should be retained indefinitely by the congregation where the publisher moved.) If the previous service committee knows where the publisher moved, they may take the initiative and send these items without waiting for a formal request from the new congregation. What information should be conveyed in the letter of introduction? Ask yourself: What information would we want to receive if this person were moving into our congregation? (Matt. 7: 12) Clearly state the publisher's full name, the names of any immediate family members. and any privileges
    the publisher or his family members have enjoyed, such as assignments on the Theocratic Ministry School, working with the Regional Building Committee, auxiliary pioneer service, and so forth. These elements should be included in all letters of introduction. If the person was reproved
    in the distant past but is not presently under restrictions, there may be no need to mention past judicial action unless the offense involved child molestation, adulterous marriage, or some other notorious wrongdoing.

    Regular pioneer: In addition to the information previously described for a congregation publisher, the letter of introduction for a regular pioneer should clearly state whether the pioneer is recommended to continue serving as such.- See Index to Letters- For Bodies of Elders (S-22) for
    current direction on how to inform the branch office of the reappointment of a regular pioneer.


    Re: Letters of introduction
    November 17, 2010
    Page 2

    Each elder should make the following notation next to the penultimate bullet in paragraph 16 of chapter 2 in the Shepherding textbook: "See letter dated November 17, 2010, regarding letters of introduction."

    Carefully following these guidelines will help you to protect the flock and to render needed spiritual assistance to Jehovah's precious sheep, We pray that Jehovah will continue to "give you peace constantly in every way" as you faithfully serve him in these last days. -2 Thess. 3:16.

    Your brothers,
    Christian Congregation
    of Jehovah's Witnesses

    cc: Traveling overseers

    PS to Secretary

    This letter should be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters, You may wish to update the congregation copy of Index to Letter- For Bodies of Elders at this time as well.


    Huggles to All!!!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


  • yesidid

    So according to the WBTS the positive things worth reporting are:

    any privileges the publisher or his family members have enjoyed, such as assignments on the Theocratic Ministry School, working with the Regional Building Committee, auxiliary pioneer service, and so forth.

    Funny how that doesn't tally with Jesus' list of things to look for:

    For I became hungry and YOU gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and YOU gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and YOU received me hospitably; 36 naked, and YOU clothed me. I fell sick and YOU looked after me. I was in prison and YOU came to me.’

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, Yknot!

    So, I wonder how expansive "notorious wrongdoing" is?

    It seems like this sort of published advice could get the WT in some legal trouble. I mean, some businesses are leary about saying anything about a former employee if they're asked because of fear of a lawsuit. Could a clever lawyer supoenae such a letter that someone felt damaged their reputation? There's probably some sort of protection for the WT over this but they shouldn't get away with this, IMO.

  • the-illuminator81

    Even when you are disassociated, disfellowshipped or inactive, the WTS still wants to know where you live.

  • dozy

    OK - so already the KS10 is out of date & needs margin notations.

    " the letter of introduction for a regular pioneer should clearly state whether the pioneer is recommended to continue serving as such. "

    I always thought that it was bizarre that just because an elder or pioneer moved house and changed congregation , they could be be removed. And yet if they had stayed in their own congregation they would continue to serve. Bizarre.

  • chickpea

    the level of micro-managing is mind numbing

    oh, right! it's a cult!!!

    yknot.... if ever there will be an
    "i helped bring the tower down"
    museum, you and your anony blokes
    will have a hall to yourselves!

  • respectful_observer

    Two things stand out to me in this letter:

    1. "Clearly state...the names of any immediate family members." So even if someone is attempting to "fade", they maintain the ability to track you down through your immediate family.

    2. "If the person was reproved in the distant past but is not presently under restrictions, there may be no need to mention past judicial action unless the offense involved...adulterous marriage." I can appreciate notice when actions involving children are involved, but if any other matter "from the distant past" is truely resolved and "forgiven", why continue to keep this sin at the forefront--in the person's INTRODUCTION? "Hello, I'd like to introduce Br. /Sr. In-good-standing. S/he had an adulterous marriage in the distant past! Please welcome him/her warmly to your congregation!"

  • yourmomma

    wow, so if you move, and the elders know where, they will just send your records to a hall in your area. thats crazy.

  • skeeter1

    Ain't no more fading by moving, I tell you!

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