BOE LTR PDF Nov 17- Notation made to ks10

by yknot 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • civicsi00

    Glad to be out of this crazy CULT!! The level of control is freakin' bizarre. I can't even fathom being an elder and having to put up with all this BS.

    "notorious wrongdoing" WTF??

  • heathen

    I don't know why they do this as I've read countless articles on gossip and slander. I'd be all for a child molester being outted but jesus they think they should just crap on anybody .

  • Magwitch

    "... there may be no need to mention past judicial action unless the offense involved child molestation, adulterous marriage, or some other notorious wrongdoing."

    So the person who goes out and has a one night stand is tantamount to the person who molests children ....Interesting

  • Mary

    So, I wonder how expansive "notorious wrongdoing" is?

    I will venture a guess that it includes anything that suggests a "brazen attitude".

    So to take stock: Brother Fader lives in Atlanta, Georgia, who has not attended meetings for over a decade, moves to Walla Walla Washington. The congregation in Atlanta finds out (through grilling Brother Fader's JW family), where he's moved to and promptly forwards his records to the local gestapo in Washington. Presumably they would 'introduce' Brother Fader as a total slacker who hasn't gone to meetings for over a decade. I can just see the PO in Washington getting a sealed envelope with a taped message that says:

    Good Morning Brother [PO]. The man you are looking at is Brother Fader of the Atlanta congregation. He has not attended meetings for over 10 years and there is evidence to suggest that he visits an internet site known as JWN.

    Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to stake out Brother Fader to see if he has any female guests stay over night at his place, or if he puts up a Christmas tree this year. Pictures capturing the pagan decorations would seal Brother Fader's fate and would generate swift punishment in the form of a Judicial Committee.

    As always, should you or any of your zealots be caught or killed, the Watchtower Society will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

  • Magwitch

    Mary - Too Funny! But, sadly accurate

  • snowbird



    That's just how it's supposed to work.

    They're so afraid of what damage footloose JW's can do.

    The internet has got them on the run!


  • Vidiot

    Well, this finally anwers a question I asked in my introductory post.

    I guess that would put me somewhere midway down any local apostate-hunter's hit list.

    Someone said recently that because the WTS and GB2.0 are so convinced that they're right, they aren't the least bit concerned about inactives, faders, and XJWs; that these are "nothing" to them.

    I could kind of see the point he was trying to make, but I couldn't forget what I'd read about Old Man Jaracz being paranoid about the Vast Apostate Army, and that the Big A might come when the VAA launched some kind of campaign against the WTS.

    If the heavy hitters on GB2.0 are cut from the same cloth (and that seems to be the case), things could get ugly in the near future for faders with family still in...

  • IMHO

    They have themselves covered on the legal front as once the letter is read it is destroyed.

    Then they can embellish the information based on their bias or bad memory.

  • yknot

    For anyone who is 'interested'.....

    I was generously sent a copy of the July 2006 BOE LTR that was set aside to dance with the shredder.... (see link and transcript below)

    Thank you Anony-Brother

    Again if any Brother would like to contribute...... I feel there is a need to collect 'to all congregation' BOE LTRS 2006-present (umm is there a current CD available like the 1981-2005 one awhile back????)... you can PM me or contact me via FB to get access to a private account to upload anonymously....

    July 2006 LTR:


    Re: Letters of introduction

    Dear Brothers:

    Over the years, guidelines have been given regarding letters of introduction concerning publishers, regular pioneers, elders and ministerial servants, child molesters, and those in a disfellowshipped or disassociated state who move into another congregation's territory. So that these guidelines may be more easily followed, we are listing below some key elements that should be included in all letters of introduction as well as some situations in which additional information should be provided. This letter should be retained in the congregation's permanent file of policy letters.

    Format: A letter of introduction should always contain the following information: (1) the date of the letter, (2) the previous congregation's full name and complete mailing address, (3) the new congregation's full name and complete mailing address, and (4) signatures of the Congregation
    Service Committee, with their names typed or printed underneath their signatures. (be p. 71-3) Some also find it helpful to use a regarding line (as shown above) so that the recipient may easily identify the purpose of the letter.

    Congregation publisher: When a publisher (active or inactive) moves to another congregation, a letter of introduction and the Congregation's Publisher Record (S-21) cards should be promptly sent to the congregation where the publisher moved. (The last record card of an inactive publisher should be retained indefinitely by the congregation where the publisher moved.) If the previous service committee knows where the publisher moved, they may take the initiative and send these items without waiting for a formal request from the new congregation. What information should be conveyed in the letter of introduction? Ask yourself: What information would we want to receive if this person were moving into our congregation? (Matt. 7: 12) Clearly state the publisher's full name. the names of any immediate family members, and any privileges the publisher or his family members have enjoyed, such as assignments on the Theocratic Ministry School , working with the Regional Building Committee, auxiliary or regular pioneer service, and so forth . These elements should be included in all letters of introduction.

    If the person has recently been judicially reproved and is still under restrictions, list the restrictions that are still in effect so that the new congregation's elders may monitor the publisher'S progress and gradually restore his privileges as appropriate. On the other hand, if the person
    was reproved in the distant past but is not presently under restrictions, there may be no need to mention past judicial action unless the offense involved child molestation, adulterous marriage, or some other notorious wrongdoing.

    Regular pioneer: In addition to the above guidelines, the regular pioneer appointment (S-202) letter should be forwarded to the congregation where the pioneer is moving, along with a letter of introduction and the Congregation's Publisher Record (S-21) cards The secretary of the new congregation will make the needed adjusunents to the form and send it to the branch office. A revised appointment letter will then be sent to the new congregation If a regular pioneer moves out of the branch territory, the pioneer appointment letter should be mailed to your branch office with a cover letter providing the date of the move and the name. city. state. and country of the congregation where the pioneer will be associating.

    Elder or ministerial servant: If the elders recommend to the new congregation that a brother be reappointed to serve in the same capacity as that which he had been serving, this should be clearly stated in the letter of introduction. It should also state the total length of time he has served in an appointed capacity as well as list the assignments in which he has experience. If the elders do not recommend that he be reappointed, two elders from his current congregation should meet with the brother before he moves to explain to him why he is not being recommended.

    Child molester: It is imperative that a letter of introduction be promptly sent when an individual who is known to have molested a minor and whose privileges are still restricted moves to another congregation. This should be done even if the abuse took place many years ago---even before baptism or when the person was in a disfellowshipped state. The letter to the elders in the new congregation should outline the individual's background, what the elders have been doing to protect minors and to assist him, and their present experience with him. In all such cases, a copy of the letter of introduction must be sent to the branch office in a special blue envelope.

    If there are restrictions imposed on his theocratic activity, these must be clearly communicated to the new congregation's body of elders Rather than merely forwarding copies of past letters of introduction, the elders should prepare their own letter of introduction with both the
    background and the current information regarding the person. If the elders have received a letter from the branch oflice regarding the individual, they should not send that letter, or a copy of it. to the new congregation However, the elders should quote pertinent direction received from the
    branch office in their own letter of introduction for the benefit of the elders in the new congregation and for the protection of minors The lener of introduction should be retained in the congregation's confidential files where it can be available for review by any elder

    Disfellowshiped or disassociated person: Although a formal letter of introduction and the Congregation's Publisher Record (S-2 I ) cards are not sent when a disfellowshipped individual moves into a territory held by another congregation, a letter may be sent to inform elders of the presence of the disfellowshipped individual, and to provide information that may be help to those elders.This will assist edlers to
    contact the individual annually to offer spiritual assistance.

    Carefully following these guidelines will help you to protect the flock and to render needed spiritual assistance to Jehovah's precious sheep. We pray that Jehovah will continue to "give you peace constantly in every way" as you faithfully serve him in these last days - 2 Thess 3:16

    Your Brothers
    Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

    cc Traveling overseers


  • minimus

    If I were the Secretary, I'd send every deadbeat inactive card to the Hall that I knew a person was in. I'd get rid of anyone inactive so it wouldn't be our Hall's responsibility. If I happened to be the Secretary getting the inactive's card, I'd bury it and forget about the person. That way, no one has to deal with the person.

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