I knew many that came back ONLY to be able to be with JW family and friends. Most were pretty much inactive after they came back.
Would The Witnesses Be Happy To See You Come Back to The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends
Pitchess Co-Gen
I just wanna leave on my own terms or if I do return to full status than I'll never have the same blind faith in these imperfect men again.
Would nobody care??
The only people that would care are my parents and maybe a few relatives. But there would be no fanfare. My husband is under strict instructions to commit me if I ever make a move to go back.
I know they are not suppossed to throw folks out. But every one had to have a name tag
at this Assembly...every one did but ME!!!AT another assembly I picketed it with many other ex ''s (TORONTO SKYDOME) I was walking
by the Entrance waiting for the others to come. & a LOVELY HANDSOME BROTHER came up to me
& said .... "You are not allowed here ,go!!!!" I was standing at the corner where the lights were
so I could cross the road.But the light was red>>He said "GO"I said "I must obey Caeser"
Then crossed the road.LOL REMEMBER UZZUH??????
He was that handsome BROTHER!!!!!It was a few years later we had a meetup for exe's
in a coffee shop he sat across from me laughing, So I asked him( I did not recognise him)
" Are you laughing with me or at me" ?He then told me who he was .I love him so much!!!!
I saw him on TV the other day working in Haiti.What a wonderful human being he is -
I love these kind of post from so many.Reminds us we are not alone....
Found Sheep
no no and no! i think i would have all the elders sitting around me to protect the congregation. I am verbal about how I feel about the cult and tell as many as I can how dangerous they are
There may be an initial recognition, a few wry smiles....maybe!
If I were an evil person, unethical or broke their 'moral law's', ......knowing them, I would not expect a warm response!
But that is not the case, t here would be no way on earth I would put myself in that position, to be coldly judged and ignored, just for thinking or questioning or doubting. Total BS.
Amelia Ashton
Definitely not. "Mentally ill single Mums" are not welcome.
Yes, they'd be happy to see me because I'm such a peaceful and obedient person. The sisters would drool over me and the brothers would love my lack of sense stress and modulation, which is an excellent sleep aid.
What ever became of the idea of having a assembly of EX-JW's in Ohio??? I think that was a VERY GOOD Idea...or at least finding EX's that are near to where you may live...I live in Portland Oregon...Hillsboro more exactly...Anybody live out my way?...I'ed Love a welcome call from somebody here! i really think this is a good idea especially for ones that feel "Abandoned"...any Idea's on this brother's and sisster's???