My mother might be, she sends me a text on my b-day (coincidentally, not to wish me a happy b-day but to say something spiritual dub-wise) with the token "I wish you would come back to Jehovah". Probably counts the time it took to send the text on her time card
I don't think anyone else would care either way. Who knows, maybe I'd get some love bombing for a bit and the encouraging "aren't you glad you came back to Jehovah" comments. Honestly I didn't think an "apostate" could come back having been baptized and then later self DA'd to follow Christ. They would think I'm full of the Debil. They know I've been to other churches. I don't think I could stomach 5 minutes in a KH anyway.
As a side point: I've kinda thought it would be fun to go to a kingdom hall for the express purpose of doing some worshipping (church style...hands in the air and all) during the songs and shouting hallelujah during the talk just to see the reaction I get. Haha....I'd for sure be shown to the door.
Anyway, as it stands right now when I've seen my mother on the 2 or 3 occasions I've been tolerated to be in her presence in the last 4 years, she will barely give me a hug.....I get the hesitation and stand offishness and the bug eyes, like she's afraid a demon is going to jump off of me and onto her. I'm sure most would react in similar fasion. I remember the scary feelings I got whenever I heard of anyone being labelled "apostate" while I was still indoctrinated so I get it.