shelby, et. all.,
It amazes me that people dont just answer a question asked, but answer the question people THINK they asked. Herewith is the question actually asked:
"Do You Hate The Jehovah's Witness Religion?"
My answer and the answer for people who actually answered the question was:
"Hell YES! We DO hate that piece-of-shit religion!"
Your answer was, basically:
:Hating what someone does... and judging them for it... are not the same things.
Dear friend, you actually had to take the LSAT test to get into Law school. That is a very tough test and requires a great deal of logic to pass. I gave you logic questions and challenges over ten years ago. Remember that? I hope I didn't fail in those efforts, but you might still need some more tutoring.
Yet, for some strange reason, you are answering a question that was not even asked in the topic of this thread.
Once again, the topic of this thread is "Do You Hate The Jehovah's Witness Religion?"
My anwer to this simple question is as simple as the question:
"You are goddamned right I do!"
Do I hate all the people in it? No, I don't. Do I judge the people in it? No, not the rank and file, anyway. Do I hate the leaders of it who con and lie to the rank and file and know it?
"You are goddamned right I do!"
Farkel, Keep the Answers Simple CLASS