Yes! Definitely do it Laverite!
Bethel have just DENIED Jehovah's Witnesses shun ex members!!!
by Amelia Ashton 126 Replies latest jw friends
Bro. Dan,
Ok then. Will do! I'll have to do it after I get the kids to bed tonight.
Little Imp
slimboyfat - my husband was disfellowshipped in the seventies for associating with his parents.
His parents had been disfellowshipped but they continued to take my husband and his older brother to the meeting every week whilst they sat outside in their car.
A handwritten note was pushed through their door disfellowshipping the two boys for associating with their parents! The boys were approximately 14 and 15 or 15 and 16 at the time and obviously living at home. Apparently they had the choice of going to live with one of the brothers if they didn't want to be disfellowshipped.
My exact thoughts Sir82 - They are so deceptive, if they acutally looked in a mirror they would see Satan staring right back at them
Has anyone recieved a reply from Emma to their emails. I recieved the following
Hi Sharon Thanks for your email and for taking the time to send me your story. All credit must go to my colleague Tammy McAllister who put the report together. Regards Emma
Emma Britton - Presenter
BBC Somerset - 95.5FM & 1566AME: [email protected]
W: will add my email to the email thread, but at the moment when im on that thread it doesnt show the option to post a reply, my pc playing up I think. Though my email was not put aswell as some, its more a personal experience. I really do hope that this maybe the start of someone making a documentary on the Shunning Policy.
Well done Cantleave - you were our voice and you made us all proud today Thank you
sabastious - "Witness children are trained to become blank slates."
Kinda counterproductive, seeing as how behavioral science has pretty much thoroughly debunked the idea that any child is a "blank slate". Humans may be sentient, but we're also still just as much subject to instinct as African Mountain Gorillas.
No wonder so many of the more sensitive JWs are on antidepressant cocktails, seeing shrinks on the down-low, or having psychotic episodes; fight against the current of hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection, and you'll lose.
Every time.
Mad Sweeney
I think by the term "blank slate" Sab means a person that is highly suggestible and impressionable, not someone completely and literally without innate qualities.
JWs are programmed to distrust. Distrust their innate qualities and instincts. Distrust their classmates. Distrust their co-workers. Distrust strangers who live in their community. Distrust EVERYONE EXCEPT THE DIRECTION OF THE BORG. Many end up doing just that.
Look at the cynical nature of typical JW conversation. The world is a mess and constantly getting worse. JWs are the only truly trustworthy people around and even in the KH you have to "guard your heart" against "bad associations." It's a cesspool of negativity that refuses to see anything positive about the world we live in or their fellowman who live alongside them. Depression and illness are rampant.
Cult mind control.
Little Imp that's crazy. Do you think that sort of thing could still happen now or were Witnesses wackier back then?
Sabastious there is certainly a lot of pressure on Witnesses to shun disfellowshipped family. At the same time some Witnesses seem to get away with it. I think many Witnesses don't realise that they can have a certain degree of leeway when it comes to family so don't test the limits.
I think by the term "blank slate" Sab means a person that is highly suggestible and impressionable, not someone completely and literally without innate qualities.
Yeah, I am speaking about suggestibility... if you are taught all your life that humans are highly suggestible you have a higher chance of falling for the Witness doctrine, right?
JWs are programmed to distrust. Distrust their innate qualities and instincts. Distrust their classmates. Distrust their co-workers. Distrust strangers who live in their community. Distrust EVERYONE EXCEPT THE DIRECTION OF THE BORG. Many end up doing just that.
Very good point. "Wordly People" are not to be trusted. That would be the only reason why Witness children are kept from non witness children... "If you turn your back on a worldly person, they could stab you in the back"
They paint all worldly people with a DARK black pen.
Sabastious there is certainly a lot of pressure on Witnesses to shun disfellowshipped family. At the same time some Witnesses seem to get away with it. I think many Witnesses don't realise that they can have a certain degree of leeway when it comes to family so don't test the limits.
Exactly. The Official Watchtower Statement on shunning ignores how the congregation actually works in regards to association. Worldly people are regarded as the "unholy" ones that need to "awakened to the truth." And we are all taught that disfellowshipped members no longer have God's favor and are in a state of repentance. The Watchtower has often grimly described a DF'ed person's chances of making it through Armegeddon.