Bethel have just DENIED Jehovah's Witnesses shun ex members!!!
by Amelia Ashton 126 Replies latest jw friends
happyexjw: "Has anyone recieved a reply from Emma to their emails."
Happy, this is what I received just a few minutes ago.
I am out of the office and will be back in at around 1.30pm on Thursday 27th January 2011 following our bus show in Chard.
That's UK time zone.
I sent an email focusing on child molestation victims that were disfellowshipped for reporting their molesters to the police and included links to Dateline and CNN coverage, on You Tube, of the victims.
Mad Sweeney ; that is so correct that it is a valid reason for their behaviour.
When the elder of my mother's congregation admitted (after I found out from the bank) that they had reversed my Enduring Power of Attorney for her his reason was - my father didn't trust my husband. My father had never said that to me (or any other person I know), and would have had absolutely no reason to do so - quite the reverse in fact. But, the elder said it as if it was a quite normal way of thinking/response to the situation. It is quite astounding really.
Black Sheep
A handwritten note was pushed through their door disfellowshipping the two boys for associating with their parents! The boys were approximately 14 and 15 or 15 and 16 at the time and obviously living at home. Apparently they had the choice of going to live with one of the brothers if they didn't want to be disfellowshipped.
That is not current Watchtower policy. I doubt it ever was.
If this story is accurate, the Elders were out of order and would not get away with it today, so it's not relevent to Nathan's case.
JWs are not averse to using other JWs who are not taking heed of Watchtower advice on how to treat DF & DA family members, as examples of how tollerant/normal the Watchtower is.
We have to be squeaky clean when criticizing the WT, or they will use any anything out of order as ammunition to attack our character.
I sent this email:
Thank you for highlighting the plight of anyone unlucky enough to be disfellowshipped or considered to have disassociated themselves by their actions (which has the exact same consequences) by the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. With reference to the official statement from the JW legal department: "Witnesses do not shun family members because of differences in religious beliefs. Many Witnesses have religiously mixed families and enjoy normal loving relationships together. If a family member who is a baptized Witness is disfellowshipped the spiritual ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. Accordingly, the marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings can continue. As for disfellowshipped relatives not living in the same household we apply the counsel from the Bible at 1 Corinthians: "quit mixing with them." The scriptures are sacred to us and we therefore take this counsel seriously. The degree of family contact is a personal decision based on one's Bible trained conscience. If there are consequences, these relate primarily to one's relationship with God." The first part refers exclusively to 'family members' living in the same household, such as between a parent and minor child or a husband and wife. The JW's refer to these are 'family members' but consider those not living at home to be 'relatives'. Therefore, a disfellowshipped son not living at home is not considered a family member. The second part refers to those 'relatives' not living at home, but who may be as closely related as between mother and son. To these, the requirement is that family members must "quit mixing with them." Therefore, since the JW's have a special definition of what constitutes a 'family member', the first sentence is deliberately misleading to those not familiar with their particular narrow definitions. Equally misleading is the statement that "the degree of family contact is a personal decision" because although it is true an individual can decide for themselves, if they continue to associate they too may be disfellowshipped and shunned. This is alluded to in the following and final sentence warning of "consequences" to do with "one's relationship with God", which, as any JW knows, actually means they too risk being disfellowshipped. I wil not comment on the odd JW interpretation of 1 Corinthians since that is subjective.
I have just recieved a call from Emma, she has been in-undated with emails and has pointed out that as she simply a presenter for BBC Radio Somerset, a local station, please ONLY email her only if you live in South West England.
Her editor has seen the magnitude of the response and realises that this could a big story and looking at escalating to a national level, so the point has been made.
Also she wanted to point out that she is only the presenter and the Interview and research was undertaken by Tammy MacAllister and she deserves the credit.
It's great to see the exjw community spring into action, but please respect Emma's in box!
Black Sheep
It is very important that any emails in this type of situation are absolutely bang on, undeniable, complete with documentation that is really easy for the presenter to verify.
I have seen comments on the interview from posters who have been sucked in by standard Dub diversions and are 100% wrong in their analysis. I hope none of them have emailed her.
Please ..................
Just this thread title should give you a clue. Nothing in the program remotely suggested that this thread title is correct.
Little Imp
Thanks Black Sheep - as you will note it was a very long time ago.
However, my husband left his home aged 25 and moved over 100 miles away. His parents in the meantime after many years were reinstated but go to a different congregation to the one they were disfellowshipped from. His mother visited my husband and went to his local meeting and against his wishes put the wheels in motion for him to be reinstated.
Since reading posts on this site it seems normal for meetings to be held regarding reinstatement etc. however this didn't occur with my husband. Apparently an Elder telephoned the congregation where the disfellowshipping had taken place and was told that they hadn't really done anything wrong so he was reinstated without any of the usual meetings.
I think it is an unusual case.
However, we have now not attended a KH in two years and so far MIL has not interfered! Long may this last.
Black Sheep
It's nice to hear that you two are getting off lightly Little Imp. Long may it continue.
Just be aware that if your hubby is not absolutely certain that the WT was not selected by Jesus in 1919, that the WT still has an amount of control and he could jump back into the cult if something hits the appropriate trigger.
I know ....... I was in his position.
It is best to deal with it while he is 'weak in the faith'. I wish I had known someone to do that for me. It would have saved a lot of bother.
Greetings from the Great White North, eh?
Fabulous to see the WTBTS hauled up on it's pile of pure manure that they effectively control the masses with for all these years. Uncle Ted has a lot to answer for down there By the way Hi Barbara [Anderson], Outlaw, Mr and Mrs Flipper and others who I know and remeber fondly. email as a family member observer of the governing boddee will be going out to this fine reporter soon.
Thanks Hirotaka, aka JapanBoy + Japster