I used freeminds, JWfacts and one of Besty's blogs in preparing for the interview. I had loads of other WT quotes but the the time was limited and the interviewer's question steered the conversation (as you would expect). I wasn't given the chance to direct people to the websites. Shame I was just warmimg up.
Bethel have just DENIED Jehovah's Witnesses shun ex members!!!
by Amelia Ashton 126 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep, you nailed it, as usual...
I noticed in the interview; the carefully excised one-line "Scriptural" response that Bethel gave... I don't think that they even bothered quoting the entire verse...
What a shell game...
Black Sheep
I've just finished listening to it.
Congratulations to all involved. A job well done.
Black Sheep - "Did they really answer my question, or did they subtly change the subject just enough that I didn't notice?"
Damn sneaky. Gotta hand it to 'em.
Mickey mouse
Gah, bloody liars! I can't believe that quote from bethel. Angus refuted it perfectly, well done.
I will email Emma too.
I have been corresponding with my MIL as many of you know. She is on the right road. But she is terrified. On Sunday the elders told her that they wanted to meet with her to see about her getting reinstated. Here is the email she sent me (names edited out, of course). I would post this on a new thread, but I am at my limit.
A few mins before this email she asked me to send her Crises of Conscience. She listened to the "shunning" interview this morning and also listened to a few talks about the WT history of false prophecy. Here is her email:
"Well the judcial meeting on Sunday was a big joke--- The brothers had no intention of reinstating me, and it was a dog and pony show--even (FIL) was upset with them because they lied to us---God's spirit was not there and everyone knew it---- I wouldn't be able to stay with (FIL) if I left the organization because he would have an absolute fit everyday---- He does not look at your searching the same way that I do. He thinks you are an apostate because you question the organization. He would not say anything because of (BroDans Wife) but that is the only reason. When I was baptized it was in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit---I am now not in fear of God but of man. Neither (1st SIL) nor (2nd Sil) have so much as asked how I am doing and never would if I faded away. I am very confused!!!!!!!"
How would you handle it? I sent her this quote: "It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. "
— Thomas PaineI also sent her CoC of course. Any ideas on how I should handle this. This is VERY VERY VERY major for her and for this family. One sister is in bethel, the other serves internationally, and the other is my wife.
The degree of family contact is a personal decision based on one's Bible trained conscience.
This expression is technically accurate while simultaneously grossly misleading.
Of course it's a personal decision - just as when, if a robber holds a gun to your head & says "your money or your life" it's a personal decision regarding which you will give up.
It's just as technically true - and just as technically misleading - to say "no Jehovah's Witness is ever disfellowshipped for taking a blood transfusion." Of course not - they are considered to have "disassociated themselves", a distinction without a functional difference.
Likewise, whether to maintain contact with a disfellwshipped family member is a "personal decision" - however, if the WTS or its representatives don't like the "personal decision" you have made, well, off with your head.
The WTS is a master at that sort of language.
Oh, here's another one:
If there are consequences, these relate primarily to one's relationship with God.
So what "consequences" would those be? Being disfellowshipped of course.
So if one "suffers the consequences" of talking to his DF relatives, i.e., is disfellowshipped, well, in the minds of the WTS, the "primary issue" is that the newly DF'd one has a "broken relationship" with God. In the minds of the WTS, the shunning and cutting off from all family & friends is of secondary importance.
These guys are good. "Good" in the sense of "technically accurate enough to pass muster in a court while simultaneously giving a completely misleading response to those unfamilar with JW culture."
It's a religion run by lawyers, so it shouldn't really surprise us that they do this so well.
Excellent, Sir82...
brotherdan's MIL - "The brothers had no intention of reinstating me, and it was a dog and pony show.."
Well then, WTF were they there for???
I don't know if it is the same in all halls or not, but in ours you have to submit a few letters before they will take you back. So a few weeks ago she wrote a letter saying how sorry she was and how much she wanted to come back. They told her that it wasn't good enough and that she needed to include what meetings she has gone to, what meetings she missed, what her personal study schedule was, etc...
So she did that and met with them on Sunday. They accepted the letter and told her that they would talk again in a few months.
Praise Jah for this spiritual paradise!