Bethel have just DENIED Jehovah's Witnesses shun ex members!!!

by Amelia Ashton 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    Thank you for getting this information here. I love it that this gets on radio and media. I did send a thank you email to Ms. Britton and a "link" to the Elders "secret" manual, expressing that 7 of 12 chapters there shows clearly their 'rules and regulations' of "disfellowshipping."

  • lisaBObeesa

    Excellent, now I can keep the interview on my computer. Thank you Lisa.

    No problem!

  • sd-7
    I wonder whether Gary or sd-7 or any of the other non-JWs here who are married to cult members feel that they "enjoy normal loving relationships" with their JW spouses.

    Ha ha ha ha! Well, I've got to watch what I say on this one. Well, my wife thinks I've tossed away my chance at everlasting life (read: I'm going to be killed horribly by God at Armageddon). Hey, we do love each other, of course. But "normal loving relationship"? Hmm. So far as I don't read any books that are critical of her beliefs or talk to anyone who openly disagrees with her beliefs or watch any movies that conflict with her beliefs, sure! Perfectly normal!

    The damage done to our marriage by this religion is in the process of being repaired, but the fact is, the elders placed a wedge between us and inserted their authority into my home, 'removing' me as a person worth talking to about spiritual things in my wife's eyes. Is that normal? Does a normal religion tell people what conversations they're allowed to have with their family members INSIDE THEIR HOMES?

    People need to know the real stories behind the smoke and mirrors the Society continues to employ. I shall have to compose an e-mail to this woman quite soon.


  • brotherdan

    I've already sent the link to my MIL. She has been begging me for more info every day! That link is already doing some good!!! Thank you so much, lisaBOBeesa!!!

  • happyexjw

    I have also sent an email to Emma, thanking her for highlighting this issue. I have also shared my experience of being disfellowshipped. I hope that her inbox is full of emails with others experiences at the hands of the WTS and that it inspires a thorugh look into the borg and hopefully more media attention.


  • dgp

    I suppose there are intellectual property rights on this? If not, can anyone transcribe the audio (thanks, Lisa) and perhaps translate it?

  • stuckinamovement

    Thank you cantleave! I think this thing will grow legs an run! Hopefully the media attention will cross the pond. Great work.


  • mamalove

    I sent her an email too. Thanks for posting this, I am looking forward to hearing it when I get home.

  • chickpea

    my email is sent as well

  • thetrueone

    Its interesting in how many lies make up this organization, not only on its expressed doctrines but

    also toward its descriptive actions.

    Packaged of course with the label " Truth " on it.

    A religion created out of corruption is bound to be damaging toward society.

    A maligning and deceiving publishing company is at the core of this religion, thats undeniable.

    Unfortunately the power to control is all seemingly worth it to some men, irregardless of the probable consequences.

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