OK I finished listening to the stupid WT today while driving to work. I got so mad listening that I truly cannot do it while I drive. It is worse then talking on a cell phone as it just makes my blood boil.
The study article on page 24 and 25 is talking about Satan and the demons. It starts out with talking about the Bengal tiger who attacked Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy though it dose not mention his name. Then it goes on to say that it like the 'wild beast of Revelation.'It ties in the Devil and the United Nations yad, yad, it speeds toward Noah and the wicked spirits and then in par 4 it calls the demons "sex perverts who derive pleasure from the evil and debased actions of those whom they can corrupt on the earth." I was listening thinking what the heck. Who is a sex pervert when they DF'ed married people for oral sex. What business was it of theirs what two MARRIED people did in their bedrooms. Plus children are going to be sitting there while we go though this WT, seriously this needs to be talked about in front of them?
What about all the child molesters in the halls what are they, apparently not sex perverts that is only for the Catholic's and the demons, JW pedophiles are OK?
The last study article is talking about Jeremiah and it takes a huge leap from Jeremiah delivering a judgment message to nations and kingdoms to themselves. It says "But in what sense are the anointed remnant "over the nations and over the kingdoms"? (Jer 1:10) Like the prophet of old, the Jeremiah class has been given an assignment form the Sovereign of the universe. God's anointed servants are thus duly authorized to make pronouncements worldwide against nations and kingdoms. Invested with authority from the Most High God and using the clear language of his inspired Word, the Jeremiah class declares that the nations and kingdoms and destroyed at God's due time and by his chosen means. (Jer 18:7-10; Rev. 11 18) There are no Scriptures used to show who gave the FS this power they just take it.
It shows a couple of pictures of a sister who has had the police called on her while in field service, she is taken in stands before a Judge and is apparently let go because she is right back going D2D. It says below the pictures "will you keep on preaching despite opposition?
Now wonder I had so many nightmares as a kid.
Going back to Noah on page 26 par 10 it truly made me sick. It was talking about Noah, it says "Picture the scene. The big day finally arrives. It is the 17th day of the second month of the year 2370 B.C.E. and they go into the ark. Jehovah shuts the door, and it begins to rain.This is no mere local flood. The water canopy, or heavenly ocean, bursts open, and a torrential downpour pounds the ark. People outside the ark are dying while those inside are being saved. What might Noah's family have felt? Profound gratitude to God, yes. But undoubtedly they thought, 'How glad we are that we walked with the true God and proved ourselves ready! Can you picture yourselves on the other side of Armageddon, your heart swelling with similar appreciation?
No, NO I CANNOT. Not after seeing so many people killed by God. I would be so freaked and and sad. OK so they deserved to be killed because JW's called on their empty homes for years and years doing this Noah preaching work. They did not listen to the JW mostly because they were never home when the JW's called on them and Jehovah refused to use any of the modern means of commutation such as the internet and TV, radio, even the news paper. OK so now all these people, babies, children are suffering and being killed by Jehovah and my heart is swelling with appreciation? Especially knowing that soon I will have to clean up all of the dead bodies.
OMG how sick. How did I not understand how truly sick this is before. I would sit though the WT and answer my stupid answers and think God was happy with me. The more I know the more sick I feel.