I am so terrified of demons. My rational mind always dismissed them but my fears were amplified. I did not sleep nights, patrolling the room for the onslaught. I was so young but the Society amped up the demon stories. The final one that clinched it for me b/c it was so over the top, like True Confessions, was the story of a demon materializing in a woman's bed. Only prayer saved her from being ravished.
Even today I fear schizopphenics because of the internal voices. I read about the illness. Indeed, I even know a few people with the disease. They aren't demonic at all. If demons are spirit, why would they lust after earth women? Out of all creation, doesn't some other planet have hot women for them to ravish?
I feel the WTS is self-selecting. The overall culture views God as a very powerful force and a god to be respected. Particularly since Christianity and even within most of Judaism, He/She is a god of love and grace. All the blood thirstiness repels people. Armageddon is so not Jesus if taken literally without any idea of its history. It also strikes me that many Psalms have such beautiful language of love, peace, and beautiful worship and then within the same verse reverse to KILL, KILl,KILL. For my own view, the Jehovah preached by the Witnesses is the true Satan.