Is there a Logical explanation for the spooky things happening at my daughter, Ali's house?!?!!!!

by coffee_black 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • Liberty93

    Coffee, I sent you a PM

  • Liberty93

    People who don't believe spirits exist have probably never seen someone at a vodou ceremony suddenly slap on a pair of sunglasses with one lens missing, start smoking two cigarettes at the same time when she had never smoked a single one before, chug what must have been a gallon of rum without any ill effects (or even any alcohol on her breath or signs of drunkennness after the possession ended) and tell you things she had no way of knowing. Ever seen a guy balance himself on the point of a machete without even scratching his skin? I'd like to see what Dawkins would say about <i>that</i>.

    In other words, most of the people who dismiss that sort of thing out of hand are working on exactly the same quality of evidence that Jehovah's Witnesses who believe that such things MUST BE TRUE are - blind faith. In this case, blind faith that anything not immediately obvious has to be false.

  • PublishingCult

    Liberty, all of those thinngs you described are not evidence of the supernatural. It's merely evidence that people can will themselves, their minds and their bodies into doing incredible feats.

    There is no proof those types of things are compelled by invisible spirits. Lunacy.

  • Liberty93

    Is it safe to assume from your reply that you have scientific evidence that getting yourself emotionally worked up can prevent massive alcohol poisoning and/or dramatically increase the tensile strength of one's skin, or are you basicly saying, "Almighty Science says it. I believe it. That settles it"?

  • Liberty93

    Your argument is excellent evidence of what I mentioned in my original post.

    Believers have faith that these things happen.

    Non-believers have faith that these things don't happen.

    Both sides hold positions based on faith, and not on neutral-minded observation and exploration.

  • mamalove

    One question occured to me and please dont take this the wrong way, it just needs clarification.

    How can you have an attic in a bungalow that needs a ladder? A bungalow is similar to a cape cod style house and has one bedroom upstairs with shorter walls. The attics in bungalows are not accessible by ladders, rather the attics are in the side walls in the lowest pitches of the house.

    I have lived in two bungalows and they both had attic access behind the closets. Perhaps that is not the architecture of the house, and is a colonial or a ranch which would have a pull down ladder for attic access?

    I do believe in the paranormal. I think their energy is at a different level then human beings, and therefore do strange, unexplainable things.

    One explaination might be for the dress is it was stuck to another item that she got out of the closet?

  • Liberty93

    I think the best thing to do in cases like these is to try to come to an understanding with whatever is there.

    Personal story - for a time as a child, I lived in an EXTREMELY creepy house. Everyone who walked inside said that the house felt like a mausoleum or tomb. And it was a fairly new house, not old at all. When it was just me and the parent I was living with, you could REALLY feel it. We both constantly felt like something was watching us, and my sister felt it to when she stayed there on weekends. One night, and mind you, this was just me and my dad, I was asleep on the sofa and woke up to a SCREAMING fight. I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming it. I was actually woken by the noise of a man and a woman shouting curse words at each other and for all the world, it sounded like it was coming from about three feet in front of me, even though there was no-one there. That's when I first decided that there are beings/forces/entergies other than us.

    Later in life, I learned about Renaissance-era magic and began to practice it (the Washtowel will never tell you that the Renaissance-era magicians called up angels in the name of YHWH, but anyways.) What I found was an effective and reliable system for contacting beings/entities/intelligences ("angels") that embody holiness, purity, courage, love, etc, as well as "lower" beings that could be worked with to achieve more concrete results.

    Does that make me sounds completely off my rocker? Possibly, but I can't say that I'm concerned. A skeptic can confront me and say that it's all horrible, unscientific balderdash, but I have my proof (both in terms of interacting with these beings that represent exalted states of consciousness that are utterly outside of ordinary life, and in terms of having concrete desires fulfilled in exactly the way I ask) and I believe that any person who makes an honest investigation can have similar, or better, results. So that's where I'm coming from.

    In my opinion, if it's not all a lot of coincidences, the WORST thing in the world is to ignore what's going on.

  • doofdaddy

    LOL at Liberty93

    You have more patience than me. I will fess up and say I have seen and learned things without drugs or alcohol that defy logic.

    I will voice what I "read" in that original post. Get your shoes on and get to the doctor FAST!

  • Liberty93

    Drugs and alcohol?

    No, no, this occured after high school!

  • doofdaddy

    LOL again! You may understand why I rarely comment on this site and esp rarely expect a comment that shows any growth post jws (usually silence). Great to meet a fellow traveller into the journey of real enquiry. I hope my previous comment doesn't hurt the uninitiated (about getting to the doctor) It's just what is...

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