Catorgory 5 Cyclone to hit Queensland tonight

by Aussie Oz 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    To all you forum members up there (and everybody)

    i am sure many down here in the southern states are thinking of you. bunker down and may you come out the other side.

    For those over seas;

    north queensland is at 10pm tonight going to be hit with a cyclone 10 times larger than the one that wiped out darwin in the 70s. It is 500km wide and will have winds of 280kmh and gusta up to 320. A high tide is also at 9pm and a surge of coastal water 4 mtrs high is expected.

    google cyclone Yasi


  • Listener

    My thoughts are with those in Queensland as well. I hope the able bodied have headed the warnings and left although it's not possible for everyone to do that, please take care.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    My best friends daughter is almost in the centre of its path.

    nowhere to go, no buildings rated to survive a catagory 5 storm, and she is not that far off the beach either. The furthest inland road stops 1km from the beach and all roads south are closed and ferries stopped.

    It must be so scary i cant even imagine it. I am sure her parents won't sleep tonight.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Hopefully she was smart enough to listen to the warnings that they gave out last night, and she is somewhere safe.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It is heading straight for some of my old haunts.

    Babinda had 6.9 metres (271") of rain last year. It should do better this year.

    Paronella Park will have it's newly restored hydro scheme swamped, along with even more than the usual damage it gets. They must be gutted just thinking about what's in store for them.

    I'm picking the house at the beach I wish I'd bought will disappear. I hope my old neighbors will be ok.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'd love to be at the Barron Falls with my camera tomorrow.

  • 3Mozzies

    It looks like it's going to be pretty bad. Hope all are in a safe place tonight.

    VIDEO: Yasi to hit with force of 'atomic bomb' (a small ad will play then the video will be shown)


  • DaCheech

    holy shiiite!

    I got flooded with hugo in 98? or was it 99? still get jitters when it rains too much!

    wish you all luck, and hope this stuff stops

  • leavingwt

    I hope everyone is safe.

  • BurnTheShips

    I dreamed of a "cyclone" coming off the sea last night. It knocked down tall buildings around the house, but my family came through safe. It didn't even take the roof off.


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