It hasn't had any floods lately and it's trees are still standing
Catorgory 5 Cyclone to hit Queensland tonight
by Aussie Oz 29 Replies latest jw friends
Natures own theme park ride
Broken Promises
Queensland - beautiful one day.... terrifying the next.
You can always find a sunny place in Queensland on any given day
Yeah, I know people think it's a bit boring down here in SA but we do have lovely, safe, unpolluted beaches and a beautiful coastline.
I love the outback, The Flinders, the small country towns...
Is that boring? Maybe for some.
Black sheep, some of the trees died in the drought.
The question that has to be asked is "were any JWs hurt?" if not it really wasn't a disaster at all.
Cult makes me mad.
Aussie Oz
of course, if they went thru unharmed it was obviously Jehovah helping them.
Question for JWs: if jehovah did save JWs and maybe even their houses, who saved the worldly people?
Actually I have never been to SA, I was just asking what does SA have other than wine as I really didn't know
granted I was a bit checky in the way I said it.
I wasn't intending to be critical, esp of a place I have not been to
That's OK Kevin, you can be cheeky. I know more people go to Queensland for their holidays than SA.