Is the American empire on the brink of collapse?

by slimboyfat 54 Replies latest social current

  • RubaDub

    Yes, I think America is on the brink of collapse.

    That's why we keep our "evacuation or go bags" close to the front door in case we have to leave quickly.

    We keep provisions for 3 days in each bag along with a few extra granola bars that could be eaten on any one of the three days as an energy snack in case we had to travel long distances on foot.

    Rub a Dub

  • ProdigalSon

    I've been expecting it since mid-2006.

  • leavingwt
    Is the American empire on the brink of collapse?

    According to the WT literature, yes.

  • moshe
    That's why we keep our "evacuation or go bags" close to the front door in case we have to leave quickly.

    The first time you meet a thug who wants your evacuation bag, will when you have to decide whether to give it up or use deadly force to keep it.

    I think the 'War of the Worlds" movie with Tom Cruise is accurate as to the chaos we would have in a real life and death flight for survival. Law and order could collapse in 24 hours under the right conditions.

  • FlyingHighNow
    a federation, an extensive state voluntarily composed of autonomous states and peoples.
    Try voluntarily leaving the federation though... ask the Confederate states how that worked out

    Very true. I lived in Hawaii for most of a year. Hawaiins are not too happy that their island nation was taken from them under duress. They would like to be their own nation again. They would also like the same provisions afforded Native American peoples. They are NOT happy about being annexed by the USA. What about Puerto Rico? The US will not grant them statehood and they will not let them go.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Law and order could collapse in 24 hours under the right conditions.

    Remember the day the Rodney King attackers were acquitted?

  • slimboyfat

    Good point, America has been an empire from the very start. To argue otherwise is to consider the native peoples as being of no account.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Puerto Rico Puerto Rico5,32513,7923,4258,8711,9004,92135.68
    Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands1,9755,1151794641,7964,65290.93
    United States Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands7371,9091343476041,56481.87
    American Samoa American Samoa5841,513771995061,31186.75
    Guam Guam5711,47921054436193563.22
    United States Minor Outlying Islands16411641000.00

  • BurnTheShips
    The US will not grant them statehood and they will not let them go.

    Puerto Rico has voted to not change it's status in referendums. In the last one, 46% chose statehood, 2.5% chose independence. More than 50% chose none of the above.

    There have been various bills in recent years in Congress with respect to a change in Puerto Rico's status. It is all at the link.

    The fact is, they favor their current status best, as shown by electoral results.


  • slimboyfat

    The reach of the American empire is somewhat broader in scope than Puerto Rico.

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