The USA doesn't want Puerto Rico to be a state. Doesn't matter how they vote. There is no room left for another star on the flag.
Is the American empire on the brink of collapse?
by slimboyfat 54 Replies latest social current
Lion Cask
This is the perspective of someone who is not an American.
To answer the question, no, it is not. It is, however, clearly in crisis, and on more than one front. Notwithstanding that America doesn't fit the description of empire it has worst case options that empires do not have - retrenchment and entrenchment in particular. If America becomes Fortress America, as will undoubtedly be the case should its world presense become untenable, it will with cooperative allies like Canada (which is the US's single greatest supplier of foreign oil and is the US's single largest trading partner and whose economy is robust) seek to reinvent itself. There are huge reservoirs of resources within the borders of the United States, not the least of which is grey matter. American ingenuity is more than just a cliché. The country is going through a painful time which I expect will get worse before it gets better, and it has seemingly insurmountable debt issues, but it is also the proudest, most patriotic (almost to the point of absurdity) nation on earth. It will tighten its belt, it will demand more of its citizens, it will forfeit much of its role on the world stage to emerging superpowers like India and China, but it will not collapse.
Most of these islands are self governing, and seem generally happy with their relationship vis a vis the United States proper.
Guam has tried to get commonwealth status.
The Minor Outlying Islands have no permanent or indigenous residents.
The USA doesn't want Puerto Rico to be a state.
Neither do a majority of Puerto Ricans, by electoral decision.
Has anyone listened to the speech? I thought it was interesting and well argued anyway.
Here is a story I found:
And a short excerpt:
Debt is definitely a huge problem, hence the Tea Party.
Burns, you just made the point. Puerto Rico does not want to be a state. It's either, "Hey, if you're going call us a territory rather than let us be free from you, give us the same rights as a state. Basically the USA occupies these island nations. Go visit and listen to the native people speak. I bet if a lot of Native Americans had their way, this country would still be their country.
Go visit and listen to the native people speak.
I have, and I actually speak their language and share a common heritage, not to mention my many PR friends here.
So I don't need to "go visit" as part of a homework assignment.
Puerto Ricans have repeatedly voted against statehood by narrow margins. They have repeatedly voted to remain a commonwealth.
They like being part of the United States and the privileges that attach to it (they are all US citizens), but they also like to see their own flag fly over their island and over their Olympic athletes.
They have a win/win. I wouldn't change things either if I was Puerto Rican.
American ingenuity is more than just a cliché... it will not collapse.
Oh the hubris of ascendancy. Here in the UK we are a bit more cynical, after all we were the number one empire not so very long ago.
Joey Jo-Jo
Asia has not been buying US bonds in a long while, there is always something the media keeps quiet. People are starting to realise that a small minority of people in power have control and dont really care about the welfare of countries, these own huge corporations that legalise un-ethical practices, take a look at the US dollar, go back one one year and see the drastic change for yourselves.
The way this economy system works, and you can verify this by looking into the history of post WWII how America, Germany, Italy and Japan became strong powers, is faulty, they need to spend more and kill more people to fix the problem.
Dont believe me? watch this