A Bethel Memory #17 - False advertisements for a fake future that will never happen

by LivingTheDream 42 Replies latest members private

  • Vidiot

    Juan Viejo2 - "The myth creators over at the Writing Committee need to come up with some new light about life after Armageddon."

    Never gonna happen. The intellectuals, creative-types, and out-of-the-box thinkers needed for something like that are all long gone, by now.

    ziddina - "...figured I could give Delilah a run for her money..."

    You're that sexy, huh?

    Color me intruiged.

  • ziddina

    "You're that sexy, huh?..."

    Noooo, not anymore...

    But back when I was fantasizing about Sampson - and a lot of other "hot" Hebrew boys, I used to look like this:

    Well, actually, that photo was taken many years AFTER I left the JWs... But unfortunately, I don't look like that now...


  • Vidiot

    ziddina - "...unfortunately, I don't look like that now..."

    Well, for what it's worth, I'll always think of you that way, now.

  • ziddina

    Ha, ha, Vidiot!!

    I guess I'd better get serious about cleaning up my diet and doing exercise - and belly-dancing - regularly...

    Then I can come close to looking like that again...


  • VM44

    This thread shows why The Watchtowe does not like people asking questions!

  • moshe

    marked-- thanks

  • warmasasunned

    very good thanks for posting...

    i remember how frustrating conversations like this were, but you always pushed it to the back of your mind...

    now you look back with a mixture of disbelife and anger that you could have been so stupid....

    as if god ( i very much doubt there is one ) would be so petty

  • metatron

    I know something about this one. A guy in Composition, in the Factory, told me that the Writing Staff didn't like the idea of marriage and having kids in Das New Ordnung at all - so they were getting rid of all references to it.

    He said they would get rid of one reference to it in the cheap green tract 'Life in God's New Order' next. Later, they did, as they changed the wording in it, removing all comments about marriage and kids in Paradise.

    Some old timers felt that the Society should soft pedal this no marriage thing because they thought it might affect young people into marrying too young. So, later (I can't remember the book - I think it was brown) they deliberately repeated a small remark about the procreation "mandate" in the New World, to tone it down.


  • Sayswho

    Who’s your Creator (Parent)?

    1. Adams and Eve's "offspring" is--All mankind until death—Original Creation

    2. Never dying…making it through Armageddon—Class 1.

    3. After Death and once (if) resurrected on earth you are “recreated” By Jehovah-Jesus, now they are your direct parents—Class 2.

    If these 2 classes inter-married and had children they would create a new class of offspring and would not be direct descendents of Adam and Eve as intended from the beginning…So it would appear that there could be no inter-marriage producing offspring UNTIL there is a combining of these 2 classes of creation…This would happen when all mankind becomes one creation…A new creation that is formed after the thousand year reign ends and JC hands over the Kingdom back Jeh…(1 Corinthians: 15, 24-28) Now mankind is brought back to perfection, “newly created” as one group of mankind…LETS MAKE BABIES!!!


  • moshe

    If JWs really think about the realities of life in WT New System, they wouldn't be so anxious to get rid of the one they live in now. Going back to nature isn't for sissies.

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