New light on reporting child molestors...

by Snoozy 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jamiebowers

    Anyone who reads Barbara Anderson's comentary at will have no doubt that the organization covered up child molestation.

  • Snoozy

    We have no doubts but the witnesses continue to deny, deny, deny...sadly..

    I loved pointing out the fact that while they were condemning the Catholic church for their child molestors , it was running rampant right under their own noses in their own religion. And yet they were so busy talking about other religions they neglected to "clean their own house". Nothing seems to have changed either.


    I read Barbara's was amazing. She is a great lady!

  • Snoozy

    She said: "Well, I see nothing better. This is what I want. I never blame Jehovah for what men do. Even in the organization. It's insidious men led by Satan. Of course they are inside as well as out. I don't know about policies. I know that we were told that any cases were to be reported to police, this by an elder whose daughter was molested.".

    This was part of her last message to me. I have removed personal info. But what got me was that they were told to report molesting to the police by and elder whose daughter was molested!..She didn't say if it was another witness or someone else that molested his daughter. The point I am seeing is that it took it happening to his daughter before it was enforced by the congregation. The all of a sudden they are supposed to report it. That is the reason, the Elder's own daughter was molested!


  • jamiebowers
    That is the reason, the Elder's own daughter was molested!

    Exactly what I was thinkng.

    Edited to add: I wonder what this jw would think if she was shown proof on Anderson's website that Merton Campbell covered up for child molestors and was featured years later in the Awake mag as a "loyal servent of Jehovah"...(gag). PM me if you want the info on that.

  • ziddina

    "... These abusers have a way of lying thru their teeth and charming with words, even as abusive husbands do. ..."

    Ironically, that's exactly what abusive, predatory cults do, too...

  • Pahpa

    The sad thing is that Jehovah's Witnesses make excuses for their own failures

    but are very intolerant of other religions. I wonder if they excuse the Catholic

    church for its sins in the same way they cover over the Watchtower errors?

    The Bible makes it plain that God hates the one using two sets of scales for

    measuring justice. Yet, this is exactly what the Watchtower has done over the years.

  • Alfred

    JW Gal in Australia responded:

    Jehovah wants our loyalty but has no need of us to cover over our sins to protect him. "

    Notice how the Borg has conditioned the rank and file to deflect attention away from the F&DS with statements such as these...

    It's as if we're expected to believe that the "old light" required Jay Dubs to hide pedophiles' sins to protect Jehovah's name (when in reality it was really to protect the WTBTS).... Am I the only one who caught this?

  • who_R_U_kidding

    I've been associated with JW's for 35 years. I'm not saying that everyone is telling lies, but having moved around the

    USA and attended many different Kingdom Halls, I've never known of anyone in the congregations who thought they

    were suppose to protect the Watchtower Organization by not turning in to the attorities someone who is committing

    a crime. Though humans sometimes do cover things up, it's never been my understanding that members should do so.

    I personally know of more then just a few situations where the police and/or human services were called about suspected

    wrongdoing such as molestation, theft, spousal abuse, etc. I know that many people don't like Jehovah's Witnesses bothering

    them at the door, with witnessing work, or a famly member converts and others are unhappy, or a newly baptised Jehovah's

    Witness mis-represents the Bible, or even a long-standing member still has personality problems, bad tempers, whatever, but

    many postings that I read on line a just rediculious. I would call the Police in a second if I thought or found out, about any

    molestation and have never, ever, heard otherwise in my 35 years as a member. And for all those that post comments that we can't

    think for ourselves and are brainwashed, well, all I have to say is I must have wasted many years of study and research when I could have just

    let the Organization do all my thinking for me ! Ha Ha.....I am far from brainwashed, and often JW's don't agree with each other.

    God's word, the Bible, gives us 'much' room for dicisions in our lives that don't match others in the congregation, we make our decisons

    based on our concious. Something I would do, maybe you would not do, it's just that so many people take a JW's express their

    opinions as fact, rather then an opinion. The Bible gives us commandments, yet must wiggle room on many issues. I guess many JW's

    cause the confusion themselves by not quoting the scripture correctly or making sure others know it's their opinion rather then

    a Brain Washed Law we much follow. I heard a JW at a local hospital waiting room tell another person that it was a 'sin to drink coffee'.

    I almost fell out of my chair. What he obviously meant was that 'he felt it was a sin for him to consume so much caffine as a drug'.

    OK....he has that right to feel that way, but it's not a JW Law. So what do you suppose the listener told other people ? Yes,

    how crazy those JW's are ! Remember, JW's are people with different personalities, different levels of maturity, and intelligence, etc.

    If you differ with the actual doctrine, fine. Just tell it like it really is and I'll respect your opinion.

  • Snoozy

    RU Kidding:, isn't it the job of the other witnesses to set that fanatic straight? Or possibly the witness teachings are so vague at some times they got the wrong idea about coffee? They have been misleading in so many of their teachings over the years that you really can't find any two witnesses that think the same about any one teaching..really

    In talking to the witnesses in Australia and talking to the ones here..totally different viewpoints. I have old friends in both places! It doesn't have anything to do with their personalities in my mind, it has to do with the inconsistencies in the teachings!

    Certain statements the JW's make for example on the so called "New System"..they just guess as to what will happen, so many witnesses have made up their own interpretation of the scriptures..I have heard it done!

    The fact that many go overboard in their beliefs show what kind of people the JW's attract.

    Alfred: Good point..

    Jamie, ziddina and Pahpa, thank you for your comments and I totally agree with them!


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