Well, if you believe the JW teaching, unborn children are not candidates for resurrection. Therefore, according to that teaching, that life is not precious to the god. However, those already born are candidates for resurrection. Therefore, the god values their life 100% more than the life of the unborn. It is only the human women that are expected to care so much about that unborn life they are willing to die for it. Their god has no such interest.
No, I don't believe in any gods, but I think this is a private matter. I think about the people that get very worked up over a stranger's reproductive decisions, and I know that many of them also would deny health coverage to that pregnant woman and the baby, and I wonder about values. Check out the American congress. You will find that the majority that are against choice, are also against health care coverage for all. Most that are pro-choice are also pro-coverage. In that way, I think pro-choicers care a great deal more about human life.