I ask this, because I just got wind that at my hall, we're paying the travel expenses for a Bethelite to come and do our Memorial talk. I don't know how much this is going to run us, but I fail to see the practicality of it. He's not delivering a special Memorial outline or anything. He's going to come here and deliver the same outline any one of the local elders would deliver. Matter fact, thats the only reason I can think why the body consented to this, because that way none of them have to do the talk.
There's one particular brother who pushed for this. I love him as a brother, and as an older man I have respect for him. I also respect him for what he does for other people, particulary older ones, and those with health problems. However, like everyone else, myself included, he has his flaws. One of which being, he places too much value upon brothers with titles. I recall during one WT Study, there was a picture of either a GB member, or another WT heavy, and he commented on the picture saying, "that's brother such-n-so, and his wife such-n-so, and the example they're setting, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda..." The conductor at that point had not asked anyone about the picture, or who the couple was. Later after the meeting, another brother approached me and sarcastically said, "I'm glad he made us aware of who they were, because we were all wondering!" When the CO comes, or the DO, or any heavy for that matter, this brother will be the first in line to take them out to dinner. He's a company man, and he's all about impressing the bosses.
Having a Bethelite do the Memorial talk is a big deal for this brother, and I'm sure he sees this as being a big deal for the congregation too. Which brings me to my question for you. Did having a visiting speaker do anything for you?