As an UBM and someone who now only attends memorials and funerals and avoids meetings like the plague, my experiences of speakers is probably a bit limited but when a brother from the bethel comes to talk it gets the MIL VERY excited and come hell or high water she is going to be there! In doing this she usually drags along the wife and I get an invite too, with how very interesting and uplifting its going to be which i refuse politely.
As I have found none of the speakers particularly engaging, infact some of the local elders could probably make stones bleed if it would help them escape. I certainly wouldn't say that any of them made me desire for a "free bible study"! Uplifting, wasn't something i would describe it as either!
but 2 inparticular stand out to me:
1) Memorial 2010 - Definietely a closet gay! The gaydar was going off the chart! Nothin particularly memorable about what he said, put jw before everything, the number partaking in memorial is dropping so these are the last days blah blah blah but what really caught me were his manorisms! Even the wife agreed and I did have to smile when the MIL commented on what a nice man he was and how good his speech was!
2) Memorial 2007? - This old boy was obviously a bit of a heavy hitter but there was a lot of hot air. His speech wasn't so much memorable but more offensive. He made some statement that the kids in the audience would never go to college or become adults and time drawing to an end. I guess for a dub this is all good as they get to pet lions, but so much for dreams, hopes and innocence......
I guess then the only purpose is to get the R&F fired up to bring more people to memorial so they can fudge the numbers a bit more