Insulting Terms used by the WashTowel

by punkofnice 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I have heard quite a few from the platform. They used one illustration to dirtify associating with people that are not witlesses--they take a glass of clean water (the witlesses) and introduce one drop of urine (representing association with worldly people. Now, who would want that glass of water? Then, they take another glass of urine (the worldly group) and add one drop of clean water (representing a witless)--which does not make that glass fit for consumption. Later, they used the term "poison" in the same talk to represent the worldly people and their organizations.

    Another illustration I heard from the platform is that a group of worldly people were trying to tempt a witless to go to the store with them, and later in the talk they mentioned that the group robbed the store. This underhandedly paints all worldly people as robbers. I also heard worldly people referred to as "dogs", "swine", and "bad association". Even people in the congregation that are not at the forefront are referred to as "vessels for a dishonorable purpose". Those come right out of the Not Well Translated Bible, and are mis-applied to refer to people that are not doing all they can to promote the Washtowel.

  • thetrueone

    Yes it is a tactic to instill a frame work of guilt, anyone not being observant to the organization who has self describe themselves as god's

    select organization of spiritual enlightenment .

    Other religious organizations use the same tactics of fear and guilt in similar ways.

    Its dirt cheap brainwashing but thats what brings in the power and money.

  • boyzone

    my dad told me I'd been overreached by Satan. I've also been called a vomit-eating dog and a dirty pig as per the scriptures by active witnesses. Also a "rank apostate" RANK!!! - nice

    Makes me want to go rushing back....NOT!

  • jookbeard

    had all the usual terms thrown at me over the years;

    pig returning to it's vomit

    a sucker

    spiritually weak

    likes the company of world-lings

    could have stumbled others



    easily lead

    never was really in the truth


    has sinned against the holy spirit

    Armageddon fodder who wont be missed

    thinks he knows better



    doesn't show humility

    a bad association

  • zoiks

    To answer Punkofnice's question: when told that you are spiritually weak for quitting meetings and field service, just say that you are following the Society's council to simplify your life.

  • Caedes

    The irony of complaining about using insulting terms and then calling it the washtowel is obviously lost on some people.

    It is complete hypocrisy to complain about the language they use considering some of the more derogatory phrases regularly used to describe JWs and their religion by a large proportion (myself included) of the users on this site.

  • ambersun

    Caedes, I see where you are coming from but I think there is a big difference. Many thousands of JWs lives have been severely affected by spending their formative years being described as 'spiritually weak', 'easily lead', 'bad association', 'not humble', 'worldly' etc etc just for having the audacity to think for themselves and not be a robot like the rest of the JWs.

    To call the Society 'WashTowl' or indeed far more derogatory terms, is not aimed at anyone personally, or used over and over again by members of their own congregation to mentally break them down in what can only be described as mental and emotional bullying.

    You may feel it is hypocritical to use such insulting terms to describe the WTS but the difference is that it is not going to affect anyone as individuals or destroy their confidence, lead to depression and damage their ability to form relationships in their adult lives.

  • jookbeard

    Caedes;would hardly call it hypocrisy after the barrage of abuse we have to endure , more likely a light hearted way of examining the cruel and unusual way in which they continue to treat us

  • NewChapter

    I think I would choose the word ironic over hypocritical. Afterall, we don't claim that this board is god's chosen organization and that our members are the best and most moral people on earth. If we did, then we would be hypocritical. We are really just ironic.


    I was never baptised so they can't get me on scriptual ground. But I'm constantly considered imorral because I live with my long term partner rather than being married. We don't drink, smoke, commit crimes, sleep around or do anything that would be considered imorral my any normal human beings, but that is how we are looked upon, dirty fornicators.


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