Insulting Terms used by the WashTowel

by punkofnice 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    . . .

    The Watchtower is a frightening Organization.

    Good points about rituals, Sab. I think it is important for us to use terms such as this precisely because they accurately describe what the Watchtower doesn't want its members to know it's doing. Rituals are what build solidarity, belief, and belonging. For the Borg, it is ALL ABOUT rituals.

    The fact that they fastidiously avoid the term when talking about their own rituals means we need to expose it for what it is. They call it "regular spiRITUAL routine" but that's just another loaded euphamism. It is all ritual designed to strenghten the Borg ties.

  • jgnat

    unbelieving mate




    this system of things

    the truth (as in, they have it and no-one else does)


    rewarding career

    My best rebuttal, because I was never a JW and evidently unacquainted with their special language, is to raise my eyebrows and say, "Pardon me? What do you mean by that?" They quickly backtrack, which tells me that Witnesses know deep down that their jargon is insulting.

    I had my husband in stitches when I asked him why they would "take the doors" of people's houses. Wouldn't they get cold? He kept telling me it wasn't funny between fits of giggles.

    It seems to me it would be a good tactic for a fading or inactive Witness to challenge a trigger word when it is said, wondering aloud what it really means?

  • thetrueone

    Insulting another person's spiritual strength and their perhaps lack of action in supporting the WT corporation is

    a constant social apparition that makes up much of the JWS character and personality.

    The boasting and propping up ones own righteousness in devotion to the great cause in comparison to others

    creates an identity of arrogance and self worth.

  • Finally-Free

    • spiritually weak
    • walking corpse
    • birdfood
    • dog returning to its vomit
    • 'manure on the surface of the ground'
    • stupid
    • worldly
    • apostate

    It's really not much different from what they think of all "worldly" people. The only reason they say it to our faces is because they know us and can predict our reactions. They don't have the balls to try that on a stranger, but the contempt they feel for all 'worldly' people isn't much less than what they feel for us.


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon


    God Almight, how I LOATHE that term.

    Anybody else hear this phrase all the time?

  • BluesBrother

    Speaking as an "Agent of The Devil"

    "Apostate, that has bitten the hand that fed him"



    "Begged off from The Ministry"

    "Coward" etc etc

    But I see that some of the best people on here have been called same and worse

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    It's very insulting when they label someone as "having a bad heart condition" or "having an impure motive"

  • sabastious
    It's very insulting when they label someone as "having a bad heart condition" or "having an impure motive"

    Don't worry the Watchtower's "snake oil sales pitch" takes care of that:

    "We at the Watchtower will instruct you exactly how to survive the end of this system of things. The Watchtower indoctrination process is as easy as 1 2 3... and as an added bonus, after you have been indoctrinated, you will feel so much more comfortable when finding fault in your neighbor's business. Using your very own pocket size Word of God aided with the powerful pages of the Watchtower, you will be able to skillfully dismiss any nonsense they spew from previous Satanic conditioning. After you show your neighbor the error of their ways, using the Bible, they will heed your wonderful Christian example and follow you back to the indoctrination sessions themselves! You will find lasting satisfaction knowing that have saved your brother!"


  • cult classic
    cult classic


    very good discussion you guys.

  • Joliette

    Walking corspe.

    Satan worshippers.

    Dog vomit eaters.

    I've never heard the birdfood one, omg!

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