Hi There Julie!

by IslandWoman 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day buttered mango,

    I'm fine, thanks for asking .. yes I'm following Naeblis arround like a bad smell .. do you think he's getting suspicious?


    PS: I'm working hard building a home in the country (no phone on, so I'll drop into this cafe now and then and say hi .. Hi ;)

  • larc


    If you take the problems that you had with your mother and add the ones that Prisca described, you will have a picture of my wife's childhood.


    As a young man expecting to spend 1-3 years in prison.

    Wondering if you will tell the doctors not to give your wife blood, if she has problems in child birth.

  • unclebruce

    oooo that hurt plmkrzy! .. now i'm offended .. I'll get you back lata!


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    brucey, OUR new home in the country?? teehee
    seriously, that's cool! and i'm glad you are well.

    p.s. TRUST ME, naeblis doesn't need anymore bad smells following him around. ahahah!

    nae, quit hitting on other posters in my presence!

    ~*~ go away ... i'm alright ~*~

  • IslandWoman

    I am offended by all the offended people not being offended by that which I am offended by!


  • IslandWoman

    Hello there UncleBruce!!!

    Long time no see!! We need you, please don't stay away so long!!!


  • DakotaRed

    What offended me was being told it is okay to stand respecfully while the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, as long as you don't participate. Yet, when the National Anthem is played, remain seated. Now, what the devil is the difference? If it is alright to be respectful towards the flag, why be rude towards the National Anthem?

    I think the old men in Brooklyn work over time thinking of ways to get the rank and file beat up, or at least, to embarrass the hell out of the children.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • gravedancer

    This is such a stupid concept. Take it to its logical conclusion and see how absurd it is.

    I am male...never been a female so I don't understand women...so I have no right to express an opinion or my opinion on such will be less valid

    I am straight...never been gay so I don't understand gays...so I have no right to express an opinion or my opinion on such will be less valid

    I am caucasian...never been anything but caucasian so I don't understand non-caucasians...so I have no right to express an opinion or my opinion on such will be less valid

    I am healthy...always been healthy so I don't understand sickly people...so I have no right to express an opinion or my opinion on such will be less valid

    I don't speak most foreign languages...most of my life been been bi-lingual so I don't understand people of a different tongue...so I have no right to express an opinion or my opinion on such will be less valid

    Using this fucked up logic, pretty soon I will be left with just myself. Since I can hopefully know what i think there is no need for any expression as my opinions are all invalid or less important so I will just shut the fuck up.

    ...now see how stupid this is???

  • GoldDustWoman

    Well, I'm going to go ahead and ring in here. Perhaps we can get this thing to flame before Julie even posts, if indeed she does, here!

    I was never a JW as an adult. My own personal experiences with the WTS were as a child. My parents were never very "good" JWs, so they were probably much more liberal than most. We became "officially" inactive when I was 10(My Father later returned after I became an adult). So, I sort of lived half in and half out. I have a very large extended family on both sides. My Mother's side has most of the JW relatives, and because of my family leaving, we have been shunned for over 20 years. Anyway, my point is, NO,I cannot relate to many of the experiences posted here, personally. However, I can empathize and I can also have, and express, an opinion on various topics I read about here. I DARE anyone to tell me I'm not allowed .

    I suppose what I am trying to convey is that I have read on several occasions people posting to Julie "you will NEVER understand because you are NOT one of us"! Well, perhaps that is true to a certain extent. That goes for many of us here. We have not had all of the same exact experiences. Some are Non-JW's married to JWs. Some are studying or have studied. Not everyone was born, raised, and lived as an adult in the Org. I think we all have our own vantage point from which we see the same mountain. And quite frankly, I don't like to see anyone being told "YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO JOIN OUR EXCLUSIVE LITTLE CLUB". It has the same stench the cliques down at the KH have(which, of course, I have no personal experience of KH cliques. I only have the stories my Mom tells me to go by).

    Okay, I'm done.


    You can take a whore to water, but you can't make her think-Dorothy Parker

  • larc

    Mr. Grave,

    We can all express our opinions on a number of subjects. That is not what is being said here. We are saying that it is not possible to truely understand what it is like to go through something we haven't experienced. Ask your black friends about my observation.

    Julie has more understanding than most, because she hung around them for 18 months, but she never walked the walk, to coin a phrase.

    Have you ever tryed to explain your experiences to someone that only had a cursurary knowledge of the Witnesses. How did it go?... cased closed.

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