Seven Thousand Year Creative Day still being taught (as of 2005)

by VM44 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Here is a photo of a Gilead instructor (Br. Liverance) teaching a class on chronology.

    The photo appears in a blog entry dated 5-21-2005.

    Note the "6,000" and "1,000" periods in the timeline drawn on the whiteboard.

    I thought the 7,000 year creative day was no longer taught, but apparently it still is at Gilead, at least in the year 2005.

    (Picture cannot be embedded here for some reason, so here is the link to it)

  • slimboyfat

    They still teach that Adam was created just over 6000 years ago. But I think that is separate from the teaching that each of the creative days are 7000 years long, which has apparently been dropped.

  • VM44

    Hi slimboyfat,

    "They still teach that Adam was created just over 6000 years ago. But I think that is separate from the teaching that each of the creative days are 7000 years long, which has apparently been dropped."

    I know, that is why the diagram on the whiteboard is very interesting. It looks like there is some sort of gap drawn between the "6,000" and "1,000" year intervals, but I cannot quite make out what the writing on the board is.

    Is there some way to blow up or to enhace the photo?

  • Nobleheart

    If I'm seeing this correctly, it includes the date of 1914 within the 6000 year period.

    After that, they've got another date (maybe 1935), and 2005(?)

    If Jesus is already reigning as King, and his rulership is to last 1000 years, how come the Millennium doesn't start in 1914? That never made sense to me. (say if the end according to the WT comes in 2014, Jesus is to rule for another 900 years, since 100 have already elapsed).

  • VM44

    Are the numbers 70 and 2005 on the whiteboard?

  • Nobleheart

    That's what it appears to me too, maybe 1935 plus 70 = 2005

  • VM44

    Wasn't AllTimeJeff in the 2005 Gilead class?

    The blog from where the "chronology instruction" photo came from is called "Scott-n-July's Place".

  • sir82

    Boy this brings back memories.

    My very first post on this board was on this very topic!

    In 2005!

  • AnnOMaly

    Are the numbers 70 and 2005 on the whiteboard?

    It looks to me like there's "1914," then "Oct ? 1975" (where the 6000 yrs. bracket approximately ends), then "Oct ? 2005" (1975 - 2005 = 30 yrs.). "30 yrs. +" is written above another bracket which ends at an indeterminate time after 2005 and where the bracket for 1000 yrs. starts. I can just see the word "Armageddon" but none of the words following underneath [edit: probably "Armageddon Start of 1000 yr. reign"]. I assume that the "30 yrs. +" part is meant to correspond to the earlier fuzzy period between Adam's creation and Eve's creation [the caption says something like "Eve created Rest day begins (or starts?)"] given the bracket at the bottom stretching from the Adam point to the Armageddon point.

  • VM44

    From Sir82's very first posting here, we get this account of what was being taught in 2005 at Gilead concerning chronology. There is a possiblity that these notes are from the same talk or lecture from which the photo was taken.

    "...Brother Liverance gave a fascinating talk on Bible chronology. With one secular fixed date of 539 BCE we can go all the way back to the birth of Adam in 4026 BCE. Its interesting to see how Jehovah gave gave just enough information in the Bible to allow us to do that. He certainly is a GOD of economy - never too much but always just enough. We were reminded that a creative day was likely 7000 years and so Jehovah's rest day would begin with the last creation - Eve. We don't know the date of her creation but guess who does? The angels and the demons - especially Satan since he was likely in the garden when she was created. The last 1000 years of the rest period begins with the end of Armageddon and the start of the millenial reign. So, in effect Satan probably knows the time when Armageddon will end and the millenial reign will start he just doesn't know exactly when Armageddon will begin. "Nobody knows the day or the hour only the father." Therefore when Revelation says that when Satan was thrown down to the earth he KNEW his time was short - he likely knew from chronology when the final curtain would be. He just doesn't know when Armagedon will begin or how long it will last. Interesting eh?

    "Now we said we know the actual date of Adam's birth. Therefore we know that this year 2005, is 6030 years since his creation. That means at this point in time, Adam walked alone in the garden of Eden, talking with Jehovah for some 30 years or more. In 30 years of time you would think that he got to know Jehovah really well. But we can see something was lacking in his heart. He never really cultivated a strong love for Jehovah and when his wife came along (she likely sinned shortly after her creation) he chose her over Jehovah. This detail reminds me that just because we have deicated our lives to Jehovah and served him for years, it doen't necessarily prove that we love him from our heart..."

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