How do you hear Christ?
Greetings, dear Finger, and the greatest of love and peace to you! Forgive my verbosity, but I really wanted you to understand my response to your question (as it is a question many have, but few answer for them), so I gave you all of it:
I hear, dear one, through the free gift of holy spirit that I received from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... which "water" cleansed me INSIDE... and so allows me to use one of subsequent gifts of that spirit: hearing/discerning spirits. Which I do with the ears my Lord "opened" for me, by means of such "water."
My Lord’s voice is literal… and audible by the ears of flesh. He speaks “from the heavens"… the “kingdom”… which, right now, is inside me (and others, yes). This is where he and the Father come and make their abode… where they “dwell”, right now. But while they are in me (as they are in all of the Members of Christ's Body), the voice I hear isn’t IN me, per se. For example, I tend to wear ear plugs at night (because my dear husband snores – LOL!)… but when I put them in, he asks me to take them out because I can’t hear him. And he’s right – I don’t/can't hear his voice when they’re in!
It is not a whispering voice as we know whispering (you know, with a lot of hissing sound, etc.). But is much like a whisper because it's always “in low tones" and soft, calm, kind, and loving. So, I sometimes have to be "still"... i.e., calm and clean of my own "stuff"... to hear it. And it is always calms and kind, even when it is correcting or disciplining me (it can be... ummmm... serious, but always loving). The best way I can describe it is to say that it is on a "higher" frequency than most ears can process... and I have been given access to the frequency (and, yes, I can sometimes hear even a spider crawling - LOLOLOLOL!).
Early on, it kind of sounded like my own voice but he explained that when he starts he often speaks of us as we sound to others... first, so that we aren't alarmed by HIS voice, and second, so that we can "hear" HOW we sound to others (which isn't always all that nice, sad to say). For example, one dear related how my Lord spoke "sarcastically" to him once, and when he asked, "Why are you speaking to me that way?" he was told "Because that's the way you speak to others." Needless to say, the dear one really starting paying attention to how he addressed others from that point on!
It is fascinating what I hear... and often see... and I've tried to relate much of it here, for the benefit of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with them who are here. I haven't/don't/can't relate all, unfortunately, because it's just, well, sometimes too... the only word I can think of is "awesome"... to relate. I cannot put it into human words. Sometimes there just aren't any.
His language is a kind of ancient dialect (which is why I sometimes come across so "formal")... which the Hebrew language derived from. I say "ancient" not because it's old but... (Shelby's mind churns)... because somehow I know it existed long, long before the physical universe did. Perhaps he told me that, I don't recall, but I somehow I don't think that's the only way I know. I think I know because I know it is a language that every living thing has the capacity to understand. Animals certainly hear and understand it. Even the oldest plants (trees) do. Indeed, it is the ONLY language that ALL living things... human, plant, animal... can equally understand.
It is not a language with words, though; more like... the only word I can use is "math" (although that is NOT adequate, not by a stretch). Maybe "symbols that denote some kind of equation/completeness" is a more adequate way to describe it, but even then it's not quite there. I have recently come to know that my Lord's is an imitating voice, however. By that, I mean, a few months ago, while in a vision, I heard a voice say "Let light come forth/come to be" or something to that extent... and my Lord's voice is a kind of "imitation" of that voice - like... an ECHO of it (so that it is not actually "it" but sounds like it), yes!
When I hear it, however... actually, when I hear any spirit voice... I usually hear it in English (not the voice, but what I hear), although not always, I can also hear the language "under" the English (i.e., I can hear "Hebrew", some of the tribal and nations dialects - "Midianite" "Amorite", etc. - "Aramic", "Chaldean", "Greek"), if that makes sense. I say usually because I have learned that I can also "interpret" certain "tongues" (about 2-3 human tongues and at least two non-human tongues). Although I cannot speak any of them (except Spanish, which is not one of them). The thing is, I can only do it if I HEAR them (because I hear HIM translating!) - reading them, however, is, well, "Greek" to me.
Anyway, that's it. I don't mean to put anyone down, but I have to say it's kind of hard for me to understand when folks (the JWs, specifically) would say that they couldn't describe their anointing... nor professed a gift to manifest such anointing. That was always a conundrum for me. I mean, why GIVE folks a gift they can't share with/describe to others? If the gifts of the spirit are for building up the Body, what is the point in making them... unrealizable? I have since learned that all of the "mystery"... is the contrivance of those who really don't have such spirit. If they did... they COULDN'T be silent about it. It just doesn't work that way.
I hope this helps, dear one, and again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,