When I started posting here, I had already left the cult. So it didn't help me leave, this site helped me change.
I saw how badly JWs treated/viewed Jesus ... so I started to dig deeper into the Bible and felt like: "'now' I have become a true Christian." I bought a few different Bible translations (loved the KJV - the old English read/sounded so beautiful), an interlinear translation, Bible software for my computer etc..
Along the way (without my JW rosy glasses) I started to really see that the bible was.... well.... ummm.... how do I say this without offending anyone?.... well, I started to see the bible & religion as pure Bulls##t! THANKS TO THIS SITE!!!
I dug deep, read books that I wouldn't dream years ago.
Now I feel like I have a 'BS meter' that works, thanks to the Atheists on this site.
NowI am Agnostic. I truly believe and feel this was the way I really felt all along but due to the cult, I was walking around believing 2+2=5.
I remember reading on this site, people defame/tease Jehovah's name & that would upset me a little, now I call him Joe Hoover when I speak about the blood thirsty god of the bible.
Reading those posts from Atheist back then, was difficult but I needed to be sure of other view points that clashed with my own, it helped me open my mind and see that I was hanging onto the Bible/Religion as a security blanket & NOT facing reality.
I truly can not thank this site/people enough for helping me find 'me'.