Have you made MAJOR CHANGES since you started posting here?

by nicolaou 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ilovebirthdays

    No. I'd been out for 11 years when I found here. I'd already done my changing.

  • Crank!!!

    I think my thinking process has changed a lot. Before I started Lurking here, I knew that the JW'S were wrong, but I never really knew why. Now I can look at things with my own eyes and take them for what it’s worth. I don’t really know what I believe now......Scripture Fact or Fiction, God or no God. But I am having a great time finding my way and seeing the world in a completely different way. Thanks everyone for helping me do this!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    I used to be a mess.

    Now I'm no longer an anti-depressant-eatting, miserable looking, elder (that is quite a story that I'll tell someday). I'm progressing on my fade and have had several heart-to-heart talks with family and friends. I'm in my 4th semester back to college, maintaining a 4.0. Along with education, I hold health and fitness as priorities... and I'm happy to report that my "love handles" are successfully transferring from my gut to my biceps. Maybe I'm shallow, but I'd rather have a firm, well-rounded ass, rather than a firm, well-rounded Congregation Publisher Record Card.

  • onemore

    I’m not longer “angry” and disappointed. 2 nd degree fader, more relax and no longer feeling guilty about going back to school to get my masters’ degree. I’m more optimistic, and actually planning for the long term.

    I’m still a Christian, and respectful of other believer’s and non-believers points of views.



    There is life after the Watchtower.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    LOL Billy.

    Yes, when I first came here I was an active JW. I am now an inactive agnostic fader.

  • TotallyADD

    I am alot like Crank. I knew something was wrong. My wife introduce me to this site. I did lurk for a long time but it help me tremendously to make my mind up that JW organization was wrong on so many points. We are both fading together and soon to move 1000 miles away from were we live now. That will be the total break for us. My changes are almost complete at this point. I feel I am agnostic or leaning towards atheism. Although the thread on unitarian universalist look interesting to me. I just don't know yet. Whatever the outcome we are both happier now. Totally ADD

  • factfinder
  • DarioKehl


  • muzzy

    Big changes, but it took a long time. My DFing feels like forever ago.

    Since I got outed from the WT, I have:

    -- Converted to Judaism

    -- Discovered Spinoza

    -- Re-converted back to agnosticism and reason

    -- Earned a Master's degree

    -- Gotten legally married (in five states and DC) to a fabulous man

    -- Forgiven the three old men who DF'd me

    -- Reunited by once-broken JW family

    -- Told my Dad (who is still an elder) that he's my hero and I love him no matter what he believes

    -- Gave my Dad a new lease on life

    -- Lived in Spain

    -- and written a historical novel about Rutherford and his wives (coming soon!)

    So yeah, I guess you could say some things have changed.

  • WTWizard

    I no longer flinch on seeing those "sun worship" lights or listening to "sun worship" music (or church music, even if I don't believe the message contained in the song). I can simply enjoy things on their own merit, not because they fit in with a belief system--and a belief system I don't believe in (like a benevolent God) does not ruin enjoyment of a well-executed piece of art or music.

    And I no longer believe that spending money on solid items is "a waste of money" or "could be better spent on field circus or donated to the Kingdumb Hell". I put that principle into practice by throwing out crap that was borderline useless or that has seen better days, and buying good quality items in its place. New blankets, a new night table, a top of the line sound conditioner, premium quality lanterns and flashlights, an excellent dish rack I can actually clean properly, a better toaster, a better TV, a metal coat rack, top quality coats, towels, washcloths, pots and pans, and even basic clothing replace the crap I was struggling with before. And plenty of batteries (rechargeable ones--premium ones) along with premium battery chargers are insurance against rolling blackouts (which is better than trusting in Jehovah). Being prepared for emergencies, as well as hyperinflation and fake energy shortages, sure beats relying on Jehovah when such happens.

    And, now that I have basically completed getting solid quality items that will not need to be replaced later (such as when it takes a sextillion dollars to get one sheet of standard toilet paper), I have started saving money in the form of silver. While I was a witless, I had no concept that investment in any form was worthwhile. Either Jehovah was to take care of me, the end of this system would be here (and my investments, whether in stocks or gold and silver, worthless), or this system would be so bad that every form of investment would be worthless. They were talking gold having zero value along with stocks crashing. Now, I still believe stocks are going to crash (but because of what I am seeing Osama Obama doing with the debt and Bernanke turning the dollar into toilet paper, not because Jehovah's Tyranny was to render them worthless). But, at least I have some insight of what I believe will be the biggest value storage when the dollar goes kaput.

    Not to mention, less of a "You need to do this" attitude. As a witless, I was pressured to think anyone not also a witless was wicked. Today, people have different holidays that they observe and it doesn't bother me. I can watch people celebrate Kwanzaa, even though I believe it to be a fake representative of the African harvest season in August, and it is fine with me. Likewise, I can observe Eid Al Fitr without pressure to become Muslim. And, if people wish to invest in stocks and bonds (or other commodities), I believe that it's their money to do as they please. Just because I believe in silver doesn't mean everyone does--and that's fine with me. Without differences in beliefs, things get pretty boring. Besides, you cannot eat silver or use it in case of a blackout.

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