New World Translation into other languages; anyone knows of any critics?

by dgp 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dgp

    Perhaps this is the wrong place to post such a question, but, is anyone aware of any criticism of the New World Translation as rendered into other languages, say, Spanish, Portuguese, French?

    If you open a non-English version of the NWT, you find that they very clearly say you're holding a translation FROM ENGLISH into whatever the target language is, only "checking against the Hebrew and Greek originals". This is to say, there is a pecking order that begins with the translation from the original languages into English, and then another, from English into all others. I wonder what the critics say about those specific translations, beyond what could be common to all (the word was a God, et cetera).

    I'd appreciate any information on this.

  • garyneal

    I hear the greek translations have problems according to this video.

  • dgp

    Thank you, Gary. I wonder why it is that there is a need to "translate" the New Testament (OK, the Greek Scriptures) into Greek, since it was written in Greek.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I heard from a former Bethelite that they write give us our daily bread into give us our daily rice, in the Korean NWT.

    Is this true?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The original Greek was probably too old and out of use.

    We wouldn't understand a word of old English.

    Didn't Shakespere use middle English in his writings?

  • dgp

    I see your point, White Dove, but I would still consider that an update for the modern reader, unless the differences between Koiné Greek and modern Greek are such that a translation is necessary. I don't speak any Greek, so I cannot know.

    I know that a Eugenio Danyans wrote a book on the New World Translation into Spanish. I wonder, however, if there are any other works like this. So far we know about many critics (and apologists) but it's all in the English language.

  • Leolaia

    Narkissos has written a bit about the French translation and how it isn't simply a translation from English.

    One matter for critique is how the foreign language versions remove the brackets of added words found in the English original:

  • PSacramento

    I miss Narkissos...:frowning:

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    It's work but you might be able to find something here. Many NWT related sites.

  • Leolaia

    White Dove....That's not uncommon...particularly when translating for different cultures with a different set of cultural expectations. For instance, I read once that some (evangelical, not NWT) Spanish translations in Latin America have "I am the tortilla of life" instead of "I am the bread of life," because there bread is a luxury and not an everyday staple.


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